So we are continuing to do our schoolwork. The children are doing a fairly good job. Sometimes, we have distractions and other things that come up. But they do a good job for the most part of catching up. Grape Ape (our oldest), Noodle and Boo are all doing Wisdom Book Language Arts to go along with our Wisdom Books from the Advanced Training Institute.
Boo is continuing to do her Paths of Settlement materials. She is enjoying the books she is reading. She completed "Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics" and now is working on "Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology". She is flying through the Life of Fred Math books. Currently she is working on "Decimals and Percents".
Noodle really seems to be enjoying Mystery of History Volume I. Right now he is building a ziggaraut. I will try to post pictures of it. He is doing Exploring Creation with Physical Science and seems to be enjoying the experiments he is able to do. He is also doing Life of Fred Math and is in Pre-Algebra I with Biology.
Monkey (#2) is doing Alpha Omega Publications Monarch Algebra and English. He is also doing Notgrass "Exploring Government". He will be finishing that shortly. Then he will begin Civics. He is also doing Forensic Science and Introduction to Criminal Justice and seems to really be enjoying them.
Grape Ape (#1) is doing Monarch for Math and Civics. Then he is doing Speech and some other electives.
They are all doing Music - Grape Ape is doing Guitar and is singing with the family still. The younger three are all learning a brass instrument. They are also singing with the family. Plus the younger three are doing Worship Arts at our Salvation Army Corps, plus the younger two are doing timbrels. All the children are getting ready to hit hard and heavy the following: Latin, Art and Institute for Excellence in Writing.
Life is definitely exciting around here.
A blog about our lives as a military homeschooling family, of my writing journey and of my journey to complete my masters degree in Human Services with a Concentration in Life Coaching
Monday, December 2, 2013
So alot has been going on around here. In the month of November, we had Corps Cadet Sunday. All of the Corps Cadets participated in the service in some way. They either read a Scripture, sang, did part of the Call to Worship or performed in our skit. I preached my very first sermon during Corps Cadet Sunday. In between the service and our afternoon activities, we brought home all the Corps Cadets and fed them. Dennis and I sang with our Corps Cadets along with some extra youth from our Timbrels program at our Regional Youth Praise meeting. Our Timbrels performed a number and did an excellent job.
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Jacob became a Senior Soldier. Dennis and Joseph were the Flag bearers for the service. After the service, we had our Thanksgiving Dinner at the corps.
Thanksgiving night our youth kicked off the Kettle Season by attempting to do a 24 hour marathon. I volunteered to help at one of the two locations. We only made it past 11 o'clock and then it got too cold and too dead to warrant us being out there. So we came back home. I was glad to get come back to my warm home. Then we went back out on Friday morning. Of course this was one of those times where our children did not really want to move.
This past Sunday, we kicked off the Advent Season. Dennis and I read Scripture verses. Nathan lit the candles to start the service and then blew them out at the end. Joseph laid a wreath during the Hanging of the Greens. All in all it was a beautiful ceremony. They lit the advent wreath, told various stories regarding Christmas, and Major Harris preached a wonderful message.
Now tomorrow night we will be singing at a local apartment building. Our family is singing "O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem".
In the midst of all of this, Dennis is finishing up his last class for his bachelor's degree. So by the middle of the month, he will be finished with school.
Also, we are continuing to move forward with our intention of becoming Salvation Army officers. So we are actively participating in various Corps programs. Dennis is helping with our Boys Adventure Club (think similar to Boy Scouts). And I of course am doing the Corps Cadets. We also take a turn doing the Sunday School opening and teach the Young Adults Sunday School Class (although I am not sure the name truly describes who is in the class). Dennis tends to be the only male in the class. But we have a good time, and I think the students are enjoying the class.
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Jacob became a Senior Soldier. Dennis and Joseph were the Flag bearers for the service. After the service, we had our Thanksgiving Dinner at the corps.
Thanksgiving night our youth kicked off the Kettle Season by attempting to do a 24 hour marathon. I volunteered to help at one of the two locations. We only made it past 11 o'clock and then it got too cold and too dead to warrant us being out there. So we came back home. I was glad to get come back to my warm home. Then we went back out on Friday morning. Of course this was one of those times where our children did not really want to move.
This past Sunday, we kicked off the Advent Season. Dennis and I read Scripture verses. Nathan lit the candles to start the service and then blew them out at the end. Joseph laid a wreath during the Hanging of the Greens. All in all it was a beautiful ceremony. They lit the advent wreath, told various stories regarding Christmas, and Major Harris preached a wonderful message.
Now tomorrow night we will be singing at a local apartment building. Our family is singing "O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem".
In the midst of all of this, Dennis is finishing up his last class for his bachelor's degree. So by the middle of the month, he will be finished with school.
Also, we are continuing to move forward with our intention of becoming Salvation Army officers. So we are actively participating in various Corps programs. Dennis is helping with our Boys Adventure Club (think similar to Boy Scouts). And I of course am doing the Corps Cadets. We also take a turn doing the Sunday School opening and teach the Young Adults Sunday School Class (although I am not sure the name truly describes who is in the class). Dennis tends to be the only male in the class. But we have a good time, and I think the students are enjoying the class.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Wow, what a week!
Wow what a week last week was! We began the week with the after school program at our Salvation Army Corps, which included tutoring and dinner. Then we did Music with the children that attended. Following that, my family (well the youngest three and Dad) did Beginner Band. On Tuesday, Dennis went and did a sleep study, so the rest of the family had a quiet evening at home. Then on Wednesday, we had the after school program plus Youth activities - Dennis is one of the leaders for the boys. Then on Thursday we had Cantata practice and Corps Cadets (Corps Cadets is one I lead). Friday morning we got up really early and went to the Salvation Army Trade Store, so Dennis, Joseph, Grammie and I could all be fitted for our Salvation Army uniforms. The four of us all got the hats for the uniforms, which is really exciting. Saturday the children had Young Marines - they marched in a Veterans' Day parade. Sunday we got up and went to Sunday School.
During the opening of Sunday school, I was checking on everything for Corps Cadet Sunday. I actually set the program and everything. I picked the songs with the cadets' help. We chose "Here I am to Worship", "Amazing Grace" and "You Are My All in All". The title of the message was "Lost and Found" and dealt with three parables Jesus taught - "the lost coin", "the lost sheep" and "the lost son". The corps cadets did a skit - including Joseph and Nathan - Joseph played the father and Nathan played the youngest son. It went over really well. Joseph and Nathan along with another cadet read the scripture passages.
One of my other Corps Cadets did a skit involving the children so they had the chance to participate. Plus everyone helped with the call to worship. Oh did I mention my baby girl did the opening with the welcome and the announcements and Daddy did the prayers for the service. Plus I actually preached the message. I have to say it is quite different to be behind the pulpit than it is to be in the audience. I feel like God was truly present.
Then we brought almost all the Corps Cadets to our home and fed them lunch. They seemed to have a good time. Then we went to the Extended Care facility of our local hospital to help with our League of Mercy Service there. We were supposed to sing, but it did not happen.
From there we went back to the corps to practice singing for our Regional Youth Praise meeting which was at four o'clock that afternoon. We loaded up three different vans - two twelve passengers (ours and the Corps along with our major's minivan). Off to Williamsport we went. Our Corps performed two different times - once was our timbrels and the other time was our Corps Cadets singing. All in all it was a great day!
This week Dennis has drills on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We ask for prayers for good weather on Friday and for him to pass his Physical Fitness test.
During the opening of Sunday school, I was checking on everything for Corps Cadet Sunday. I actually set the program and everything. I picked the songs with the cadets' help. We chose "Here I am to Worship", "Amazing Grace" and "You Are My All in All". The title of the message was "Lost and Found" and dealt with three parables Jesus taught - "the lost coin", "the lost sheep" and "the lost son". The corps cadets did a skit - including Joseph and Nathan - Joseph played the father and Nathan played the youngest son. It went over really well. Joseph and Nathan along with another cadet read the scripture passages.
One of my other Corps Cadets did a skit involving the children so they had the chance to participate. Plus everyone helped with the call to worship. Oh did I mention my baby girl did the opening with the welcome and the announcements and Daddy did the prayers for the service. Plus I actually preached the message. I have to say it is quite different to be behind the pulpit than it is to be in the audience. I feel like God was truly present.
Then we brought almost all the Corps Cadets to our home and fed them lunch. They seemed to have a good time. Then we went to the Extended Care facility of our local hospital to help with our League of Mercy Service there. We were supposed to sing, but it did not happen.
From there we went back to the corps to practice singing for our Regional Youth Praise meeting which was at four o'clock that afternoon. We loaded up three different vans - two twelve passengers (ours and the Corps along with our major's minivan). Off to Williamsport we went. Our Corps performed two different times - once was our timbrels and the other time was our Corps Cadets singing. All in all it was a great day!
This week Dennis has drills on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We ask for prayers for good weather on Friday and for him to pass his Physical Fitness test.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Arrived in Hershey, PA
So this afternoon around 3:30 we (our Corps officer, two other ladies and myself) left for Hershey, Pennsylvania for the Salvation Army's Eastern Territory's Dazzling Grace Women's Conference. We ate on the road at a Long John's Silver. When we arrived in Hershey at the lodge, we got registered and received a really nice little handbag with some goodies in it (basically each bag was different). Mine came with some bracelets and a pair of earrings. After registration, there was a reception. At this reception we were served s'mores. The marshmallows were toasted by a torch. It was really neat to see. They also had white and milk chocolate pretzels. It was pretty good.
From there we stopped at a gas station (the van was hungry) and everyone got some drinks and/or snacks. We then checked into our hotel. We all went to our rooms and basically called it a night. It is too quiet here. I am missing my husband and my children. However, I know they are fine.
From there we stopped at a gas station (the van was hungry) and everyone got some drinks and/or snacks. We then checked into our hotel. We all went to our rooms and basically called it a night. It is too quiet here. I am missing my husband and my children. However, I know they are fine.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The start of our week
On the home front all four children are well and doing school today. This is the first time this has happened in quite a while. Also, this is the first day in quite a while that everyone was up and downstairs before 8 am. So maybe there is hope for these children after all. Boo really seems to be enjoying Paths of Settlement. As one of her assignments, she has to go a dish from either Massachusetts or Connecticut. She has chosen to cook New England Clam chowder. I am having to make some modifications to this dish since Jacobp is Lactose-intolerant.
Using Monarch for some of our subjects for the boys seems to be really helping. They are doing well and it cuts down on the amount of grading I have to do, because a lot of the work is computer-graded. This makes life a lot easier. On the other hand, Monarch was a disaster for Boo. She did not do well with computerized work. With the oldest and youngest being sick recently, we have fallen behind on our Wisdom Books, but I am hoping to catch up on those activities. I plan on cutting out some of the projects I planned on doing and working towards covering the main topics instead.
I am going to a Womens' conference this weekend called Dazzling Grace along with several other ladies from our Salvation Army Corps - including our Corps officer. It is being held in Hershey, Pennsylvania. I am really looking forward to attending.
Using Monarch for some of our subjects for the boys seems to be really helping. They are doing well and it cuts down on the amount of grading I have to do, because a lot of the work is computer-graded. This makes life a lot easier. On the other hand, Monarch was a disaster for Boo. She did not do well with computerized work. With the oldest and youngest being sick recently, we have fallen behind on our Wisdom Books, but I am hoping to catch up on those activities. I plan on cutting out some of the projects I planned on doing and working towards covering the main topics instead.
I am going to a Womens' conference this weekend called Dazzling Grace along with several other ladies from our Salvation Army Corps - including our Corps officer. It is being held in Hershey, Pennsylvania. I am really looking forward to attending.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday Summary September 29 2013
Well today for the first time in about 3 weeks, my entire family was able to attend church. What a blessing! Now we are gearing up for Dennis to have drills this weekend and for me to attend the Dazzling Grace Womens' Conference with the Salvation Army. I am really looking forward to attending this conference.
Tomorrow night we start back with our weekly activities - including Beginner Band. Then on Tuesday, Rebecca attends Worship Arts and afterwards she and I attend Timbrels. It ought to be a fun time. Wednesday is Youth Activities. Thursday is Cantata Practice. Friday the boys have Youth Group. And of course in there we also have schoolwork to do.
I am loving the Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books. The children seem to be gaining a lot from them. Rebecca is really enjoying doing Paths of Settlement, a Trail Guide to Learning series published by Geography Matters. I also love Life of Fred for Math and Institute for Excellence in Writing - for you guessed it - Writing. Easy Grammar has been a big hit around the house as well.
So life is going to get a little more normal by becoming a little more busy. We have lots of activities and school assignments to keep us occupied. On top of that I want to get the house prepared for our next move (whenever that may be). This means we need to purge a lot of stuff, organize a lot of stuff and redistribute a lot of stuff as well. So I am getting ready to try FlyLady along with some other organizational informational sites and so forth I have found.
It is going to be necessary to also get the children back into helping mode. After all Dennis and I can't do it by ourselves.
Tomorrow night we start back with our weekly activities - including Beginner Band. Then on Tuesday, Rebecca attends Worship Arts and afterwards she and I attend Timbrels. It ought to be a fun time. Wednesday is Youth Activities. Thursday is Cantata Practice. Friday the boys have Youth Group. And of course in there we also have schoolwork to do.
I am loving the Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books. The children seem to be gaining a lot from them. Rebecca is really enjoying doing Paths of Settlement, a Trail Guide to Learning series published by Geography Matters. I also love Life of Fred for Math and Institute for Excellence in Writing - for you guessed it - Writing. Easy Grammar has been a big hit around the house as well.
So life is going to get a little more normal by becoming a little more busy. We have lots of activities and school assignments to keep us occupied. On top of that I want to get the house prepared for our next move (whenever that may be). This means we need to purge a lot of stuff, organize a lot of stuff and redistribute a lot of stuff as well. So I am getting ready to try FlyLady along with some other organizational informational sites and so forth I have found.
It is going to be necessary to also get the children back into helping mode. After all Dennis and I can't do it by ourselves.
Friday, September 27, 2013
What a week we have had
Boy have we had a week and a few days! It began a week ago this past Thursday, when we had to take my oldest son to the ER at 5:30 in the morning. He was throwing up, having severe stomach pains and was just miserable in general. So off to the ER we went. We found out he needed fluids and possibly had the Intestinal Flu, could have just been his lactose intolerance acting up.
So they pumped him full of fluids and pain meds and sent us home. I spent a quiet weekend with my oldest and youngest (youngest had been running a fever off and on). Well by Monday, darling girl's fever was still really high and this had been going on a little over a week (off and on), so off to the doctor's we went. This time I expected to go in to the office, be given some antibiotics and sent home. Wrong!!!! Wrong!!!! Wrong!!!! Instead they tried drawing blood (couldn't because she was too dehydrated). Then they kept trying to get her to urinate (couldn't because she was dehydrated). We found ourselves being sent to the ER. She kept asking, "Can't we just go home and do this tomorrow?" Of course we couldn't. We get to the ER and whisked into a room (helps when doctor informs ER you are on your way)! We got a fantastic male nurse named Jimmy! He was incredible - great bedside manner, caring, compassionate and excellent at his job. We also had a good doctor. Jimmy was able to draw the blood and get the IV started using the same stick site. Of course Baby girl hated this part.
Next thing we know, we are told the doctor (the one we saw at the doctor's office - not the ER doctor) wanted to admit us. We were whisked away to a room. This was our first hospital stay ever with one of our children (other than when they were born). Now from my birth experiences, my husband's stay in the hospital for pancreatitis, and various visits to hospitals for other family members and friends who were hospitalized, I was under the impression that doctors make normal rounds for the patients admitted to the hospital Boy was I wrong in this case!!!! Monday night we did not see our doctor at all. But we did receive a visit from one of the majors from our Salvation Army Corps.
Tuesday we did not see our doctor at all until after 9 pm. We did however receive visits from the housekeeping supervisor, a nursing manager (who actually was one of our nurses for the day), and one of the members of our Salvation Army Corps. We received word through a case manager with the bedside manner of an elephant in a stampede that we were not going home. (Mind you we were told in ER that the doctor wanted to do 24 hours of IV antibiotics for her infection). So that made two nights I spent in the hospital with our daughter. Tuesday afternoon, Dennis went to the house though and picked up the three boys and my mother and brought them back for a visit. This sort of perked Rebecca up a little.
So Wednesday came and we thought we were going home - wrong!!!! We were not allowed to leave. So we settled in for another night, fortunately Dennis was able to stay the night since he began leave. We received a visit from the housekeeping supervisor, a nursing supervisor plus one of the majors from our Salvation Army corps. The best part about Wednesday was getting to go home and take a shower while Dennis stayed with Rebecca.
Thursday we expected to see the Doctor at 10 am, noon came and we still had not seen the doctor. However, we did receive a visit from the Chief Financial Officer of the hospital. She was a loverly lady. Around noon, our nurse came in and said she had received our discharge instructions over the phone. She said the doctor wanted our daughter to receive one more dose of IV antibiotics and then she would be in to unhook her IV and give us our discharge paperwork. We finally got to leave. I know our daughter was thrilled to be going home.
The four children were thrilled to see each other and be back under the same roof. Dad and I went and crashed on our bed for a while. Rebecca crashed on the sofa a while. Everyone got a great night's rest in our own beds.
Unfortunately, Jacob had a bad night. So I am not sure whether we may end up having to take him back to the doctor's on Monday or not. Another long week may begin then.
So they pumped him full of fluids and pain meds and sent us home. I spent a quiet weekend with my oldest and youngest (youngest had been running a fever off and on). Well by Monday, darling girl's fever was still really high and this had been going on a little over a week (off and on), so off to the doctor's we went. This time I expected to go in to the office, be given some antibiotics and sent home. Wrong!!!! Wrong!!!! Wrong!!!! Instead they tried drawing blood (couldn't because she was too dehydrated). Then they kept trying to get her to urinate (couldn't because she was dehydrated). We found ourselves being sent to the ER. She kept asking, "Can't we just go home and do this tomorrow?" Of course we couldn't. We get to the ER and whisked into a room (helps when doctor informs ER you are on your way)! We got a fantastic male nurse named Jimmy! He was incredible - great bedside manner, caring, compassionate and excellent at his job. We also had a good doctor. Jimmy was able to draw the blood and get the IV started using the same stick site. Of course Baby girl hated this part.
Next thing we know, we are told the doctor (the one we saw at the doctor's office - not the ER doctor) wanted to admit us. We were whisked away to a room. This was our first hospital stay ever with one of our children (other than when they were born). Now from my birth experiences, my husband's stay in the hospital for pancreatitis, and various visits to hospitals for other family members and friends who were hospitalized, I was under the impression that doctors make normal rounds for the patients admitted to the hospital Boy was I wrong in this case!!!! Monday night we did not see our doctor at all. But we did receive a visit from one of the majors from our Salvation Army Corps.
Tuesday we did not see our doctor at all until after 9 pm. We did however receive visits from the housekeeping supervisor, a nursing manager (who actually was one of our nurses for the day), and one of the members of our Salvation Army Corps. We received word through a case manager with the bedside manner of an elephant in a stampede that we were not going home. (Mind you we were told in ER that the doctor wanted to do 24 hours of IV antibiotics for her infection). So that made two nights I spent in the hospital with our daughter. Tuesday afternoon, Dennis went to the house though and picked up the three boys and my mother and brought them back for a visit. This sort of perked Rebecca up a little.
So Wednesday came and we thought we were going home - wrong!!!! We were not allowed to leave. So we settled in for another night, fortunately Dennis was able to stay the night since he began leave. We received a visit from the housekeeping supervisor, a nursing supervisor plus one of the majors from our Salvation Army corps. The best part about Wednesday was getting to go home and take a shower while Dennis stayed with Rebecca.
Thursday we expected to see the Doctor at 10 am, noon came and we still had not seen the doctor. However, we did receive a visit from the Chief Financial Officer of the hospital. She was a loverly lady. Around noon, our nurse came in and said she had received our discharge instructions over the phone. She said the doctor wanted our daughter to receive one more dose of IV antibiotics and then she would be in to unhook her IV and give us our discharge paperwork. We finally got to leave. I know our daughter was thrilled to be going home.
The four children were thrilled to see each other and be back under the same roof. Dad and I went and crashed on our bed for a while. Rebecca crashed on the sofa a while. Everyone got a great night's rest in our own beds.
Unfortunately, Jacob had a bad night. So I am not sure whether we may end up having to take him back to the doctor's on Monday or not. Another long week may begin then.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
What a Week!
Well it has been quite a week! (well actually 2 weeks). Jacob and Rebecca have both been sick. Jacob has been dealing with stomach issues and Thursday morning we had to take him to the emergency room. We were blessed to get there and be able to go right in. After pumping him full of pain medication and iv fluids, we were able to bring him home. He had a diagnosis of intestinal flu. He is slowly improving.
Rebecca has been running a fever off and on. If she doesn't really improve by Monday morning, we are going to take her to the doctor's office to see what they say.
So needless to say, neither of them have been getting much schoolwork done. Fortunately we homeschool, so it won't take much for them to catch up. Starting this week we should have all our normal weekly evening activities at our church.
Yesterday, Dennis and the middle two boys spent the day helping the Young Marines with the Antes Forte Historical days. The two boys spent last night there and will be spending the night again tonight. Then today Dennis went back to help again. He is on his way home now so he can hopefully get some homework done for his two college courses.
Meanwhile I have been home with the sick ones. It has been a pretty quiet weekend. Not a lot has gotten done, but hopefully Monday things will be back closer to normal.
Rebecca has been running a fever off and on. If she doesn't really improve by Monday morning, we are going to take her to the doctor's office to see what they say.
So needless to say, neither of them have been getting much schoolwork done. Fortunately we homeschool, so it won't take much for them to catch up. Starting this week we should have all our normal weekly evening activities at our church.
Yesterday, Dennis and the middle two boys spent the day helping the Young Marines with the Antes Forte Historical days. The two boys spent last night there and will be spending the night again tonight. Then today Dennis went back to help again. He is on his way home now so he can hopefully get some homework done for his two college courses.
Meanwhile I have been home with the sick ones. It has been a pretty quiet weekend. Not a lot has gotten done, but hopefully Monday things will be back closer to normal.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
So I have been participating in a Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study. It is entitled "What Happens When Women Say Yes". Although I have not participated as much as I would have liked to this time, I have still have learned quite a bit. For the past year we have been undergoing quite a few changes in our lives. This past December, my husband and I had the chance to say yes to God. We began examining the possibility of changing careers.
We are considering making a move from being full time in the US Army Reserves to becoming officers in the Salvation Army.
By making the initial commitment to say yes to God, we have opened doors to make new friends, have new experiences and have new opportunities and activities.
It is amazing what a blessing this one little step has made. My youngest two joined the church as Junior Soldiers. My second son has become a Senior Soldier and is beginning to take a more active leadership role in the Youth Group - in fact he is leading their devotional time tomorrow night. My oldest son has just begun teaching a Sunday School class and is now beginning to examine if God is calling him to the ministry. So by one little three letter word - lives have changed in very meaningful way!
We are considering making a move from being full time in the US Army Reserves to becoming officers in the Salvation Army.
By making the initial commitment to say yes to God, we have opened doors to make new friends, have new experiences and have new opportunities and activities.
It is amazing what a blessing this one little step has made. My youngest two joined the church as Junior Soldiers. My second son has become a Senior Soldier and is beginning to take a more active leadership role in the Youth Group - in fact he is leading their devotional time tomorrow night. My oldest son has just begun teaching a Sunday School class and is now beginning to examine if God is calling him to the ministry. So by one little three letter word - lives have changed in very meaningful way!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Not a good week
Have you ever had one of those weeks? A week where things just didn't go as you planned or as you expected/wanted them to? Well I am having one of those weeks. This was supposed to be our first real week of school and activities since the spring. Now don't get me wrong, we actually started back to school the 1st of July. But the children have had time off to attend Music and Arts Camp in July. We took a vacation to Busch Gardens Williamsburg in August. Plus we have had some other things go on, like Salvation Army Family Camp. But this week is the first full out of summer and back to serious school rountine attitude on my part and for the children.
The week started off on a bad note with Dennis being sick with sinuses. Anytime his act up, it is bad news. Of course, my sinuses started acting up too. I need to get some eucalyptus essential oil that I can use with my filter queen.
Plus, Jacob is sick with both sinuses and some other things (however nothing to do with his Lactose Intolerance). But it basically has him laid out in bed. Then our baby girl started acting like she was not feeling her best yesterday. Then last night she developed a full-blown high fever. So today my bouncy Boo has been just laying around and being pitiful. I just wanted to pick her up and love on her (but it felt like picking up and hugging a hot, hot, hot frying pan). So not much school has gotten done around here.
This means I will be looking at the calendar trying to adjust the schedule to allow for additional or make up days. This is not an auspicious beginning to the new year.
We were able to begin Corps Cadets on Monday night at our Salvation Army Corps, which I am in charge of with Dennis' help. We were amazed and thrilled at the number of teens who attended. We had twice the number we expected and everything went really really well. I am really excited about doing this. So life ought to be interesting around here with never a dull moment.
The week started off on a bad note with Dennis being sick with sinuses. Anytime his act up, it is bad news. Of course, my sinuses started acting up too. I need to get some eucalyptus essential oil that I can use with my filter queen.
Plus, Jacob is sick with both sinuses and some other things (however nothing to do with his Lactose Intolerance). But it basically has him laid out in bed. Then our baby girl started acting like she was not feeling her best yesterday. Then last night she developed a full-blown high fever. So today my bouncy Boo has been just laying around and being pitiful. I just wanted to pick her up and love on her (but it felt like picking up and hugging a hot, hot, hot frying pan). So not much school has gotten done around here.
This means I will be looking at the calendar trying to adjust the schedule to allow for additional or make up days. This is not an auspicious beginning to the new year.
We were able to begin Corps Cadets on Monday night at our Salvation Army Corps, which I am in charge of with Dennis' help. We were amazed and thrilled at the number of teens who attended. We had twice the number we expected and everything went really really well. I am really excited about doing this. So life ought to be interesting around here with never a dull moment.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Blog Hop - Life Interrupted
So once again, I am participating in an online Bible Study through Proverbs 31 ministries on the book "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst. The title of this blog post says a lot about what has gone on during this study. Life has interrupted my ability to participate as much and as often as I have wanted to. But sometimes, life (especially life with my family) needs to come first.
This time last year, we had just moved and were going back and forth between our new home and our old home. We were traveling approximately 2 1/2 hours one way. A lot of the trips I ended up driving as well as my husband. We moved courtesy of the Army Reserves. It is hard to believe that a short distance move (within the same state) was way more complicated than our move from eastern NC to Southwestern PA. But I have known for years that God has a great sense of humor.
See I know he has a sense of humor because I have three sons plus a daughter. And my daughter is one of the most active and fearless in the bunch. So now that I have interrupted myself, let me get back to my real point. So we moved and were attempting to get settled in here and figure out what we wanted to do with our home back in Greensburg. You see we owned that home outright with no mortgage. So we had a little flexibility in figuring out what we wanted to do. We knew there were a few things we needed to do to the home before we listed it or rented it. So we decided to take our time and pray about what was the right course of action.
Well September came and went. Then October came and went with Dennis leading his first drill with his new unit (he is a rear detachment commander). We were trying to get our Family Readiness Group off the ground and get settled in to our new lives. Did I mention we were also trying to decided what to do about finding a new church?
So the end of October approached along with a little storm named Hurricane Sandy (now coming from eastern North Carolina, we know a little about hurricanes. Within the first 3 months of Jacob's life, he lived through 2 plus quite a few more in the following years). So with Hurricane Sandy came a lot of damage. Dennis' unit does water purification and therefore have to pump/purify the water. So when the Reserve and Active Duty troops were activated, his unit was actually the first Reserve Units to put boots on the ground in New York City. We found out on Friday that the unit was pulling out Saturday.
We had no time to prepare, not as a family and not as a unit. I guess I should also mention we had just left a unit with the greatest Family Readiness Group and Family Readiness Group leader around. It was the first time in four years that I having to do something on my own. Being in a new place and not having a true support system to speak of made life difficult. I have chronic hypertension (chronic high blood pressure) that was actually diagnosed almost 20 years ago. So stress and I don't get along real well. I ended up with numbers in the 200s over numbers around 150 or so. Of course not having reliable communication with my husband and not knowing what was going on made life more stressful. We were facing the uncertainty of whether Dennis would be home for Thanksgiving or not. Fortunately, I wound up having some great support from friends online (and one online friend who ended up being a friend in real life).
My oldest and youngest function very badly when Daddy is not at home or not in communication. So that added to my stress. Well all things work for the good of those who love God and Dennis made it home for Thanksgiving. We managed to make it back to Greensburg, put the house on Craigslist and rented it out.
Through the situation, God moved mountains. Dennis got his 20 year letter which entitles him to retire (even though most of the time is reserve time), but we would need to have some other occupation to provide a salary until he reaches the retirement age and can actually draw his military retirement. Along comes someone in his battalion (higher level above him) who brought up the Salvation Army and suggested we look into becoming officers. So we said yes to God and went to the Salvation Army. At Easter, my husband and I became soliders (members) and our younger two became Junior Soldiers. Then in July I saw our second son become a Senior soldier - the same day that my husband preached his first sermon at the Corps. My oldest son is preparing to teach a Sunday School class (this will be a brand new class that is just starting this school year). All of our younger children are learning a brass instrument. Plus everyone is getting involved in all kinds of other activities at the Corps. Dennis and I had the fun and adventure of leading the music portion of our Vacation Bible School. Plus the four children were able to attend Music camp together through the Salvation Army. It was Rebecca's first time ever attending camp.
So our life was interrupted by God, but oh what marvelous thing God can bring to our lives when we get out of His Way. In September our names will be presented to be candidates for becoming officers in the Salvation Army. So we will have to see what God has in store for us. I know without a doubt this year has brought us closer to God and closer as a family. I look forward to seeing what occurs in the coming school year.
This weekend we are going to a family camp with the Salvation Army. It will be the first time in several years that I have been camping (we are sleeping in a tent) and I am really looking forward to it.
This time last year, we had just moved and were going back and forth between our new home and our old home. We were traveling approximately 2 1/2 hours one way. A lot of the trips I ended up driving as well as my husband. We moved courtesy of the Army Reserves. It is hard to believe that a short distance move (within the same state) was way more complicated than our move from eastern NC to Southwestern PA. But I have known for years that God has a great sense of humor.
See I know he has a sense of humor because I have three sons plus a daughter. And my daughter is one of the most active and fearless in the bunch. So now that I have interrupted myself, let me get back to my real point. So we moved and were attempting to get settled in here and figure out what we wanted to do with our home back in Greensburg. You see we owned that home outright with no mortgage. So we had a little flexibility in figuring out what we wanted to do. We knew there were a few things we needed to do to the home before we listed it or rented it. So we decided to take our time and pray about what was the right course of action.
Well September came and went. Then October came and went with Dennis leading his first drill with his new unit (he is a rear detachment commander). We were trying to get our Family Readiness Group off the ground and get settled in to our new lives. Did I mention we were also trying to decided what to do about finding a new church?
So the end of October approached along with a little storm named Hurricane Sandy (now coming from eastern North Carolina, we know a little about hurricanes. Within the first 3 months of Jacob's life, he lived through 2 plus quite a few more in the following years). So with Hurricane Sandy came a lot of damage. Dennis' unit does water purification and therefore have to pump/purify the water. So when the Reserve and Active Duty troops were activated, his unit was actually the first Reserve Units to put boots on the ground in New York City. We found out on Friday that the unit was pulling out Saturday.
We had no time to prepare, not as a family and not as a unit. I guess I should also mention we had just left a unit with the greatest Family Readiness Group and Family Readiness Group leader around. It was the first time in four years that I having to do something on my own. Being in a new place and not having a true support system to speak of made life difficult. I have chronic hypertension (chronic high blood pressure) that was actually diagnosed almost 20 years ago. So stress and I don't get along real well. I ended up with numbers in the 200s over numbers around 150 or so. Of course not having reliable communication with my husband and not knowing what was going on made life more stressful. We were facing the uncertainty of whether Dennis would be home for Thanksgiving or not. Fortunately, I wound up having some great support from friends online (and one online friend who ended up being a friend in real life).
My oldest and youngest function very badly when Daddy is not at home or not in communication. So that added to my stress. Well all things work for the good of those who love God and Dennis made it home for Thanksgiving. We managed to make it back to Greensburg, put the house on Craigslist and rented it out.
Through the situation, God moved mountains. Dennis got his 20 year letter which entitles him to retire (even though most of the time is reserve time), but we would need to have some other occupation to provide a salary until he reaches the retirement age and can actually draw his military retirement. Along comes someone in his battalion (higher level above him) who brought up the Salvation Army and suggested we look into becoming officers. So we said yes to God and went to the Salvation Army. At Easter, my husband and I became soliders (members) and our younger two became Junior Soldiers. Then in July I saw our second son become a Senior soldier - the same day that my husband preached his first sermon at the Corps. My oldest son is preparing to teach a Sunday School class (this will be a brand new class that is just starting this school year). All of our younger children are learning a brass instrument. Plus everyone is getting involved in all kinds of other activities at the Corps. Dennis and I had the fun and adventure of leading the music portion of our Vacation Bible School. Plus the four children were able to attend Music camp together through the Salvation Army. It was Rebecca's first time ever attending camp.
So our life was interrupted by God, but oh what marvelous thing God can bring to our lives when we get out of His Way. In September our names will be presented to be candidates for becoming officers in the Salvation Army. So we will have to see what God has in store for us. I know without a doubt this year has brought us closer to God and closer as a family. I look forward to seeing what occurs in the coming school year.
This weekend we are going to a family camp with the Salvation Army. It will be the first time in several years that I have been camping (we are sleeping in a tent) and I am really looking forward to it.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Busy Time
Well it has been an incredibly busy time around here for the past couple of weeks. We took our vacation to Busch Gardens with the family. We left on that Monday and came home that Thursday. Then that Friday morning Dennis and I left for Coraopolis, because he had a commanders conference. We came home on Sunday and had three days of relative quiet. Last Thursday the 22nd we celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. So Dennis and I took off by ourselves for the night.
We came home late Friday evening, got up Saturday to take the children to Young Marines. We spent the day at the unit with Dennis working on his college courses and our Sunday school lesson, while I worked on lesson plans for the children. Last night we had a meeting for all the Sunday school teachers and Youth activities leaders for this new school year. Jacob attended since he will be teaching a brand new Sunday school class that is being started. Joseph attended because he is helping with the opening for Sunday school now.
In addition to teaching Sunday School, I with Dennis' help, will be starting a Corps Cadet program for our youth. Nathan, Joseph and Jacob will be participating in this. I am really excited about it.
Now we are getting ready to head to Camp Ladore, Salvation Army Camp, for family camp this weekend. I am really looking forward to it.
Then next week we will dive deeper into our school year, with the following week finding us having activities practically every night at the Salvation Army (just different people involved). The nice thing is we will always be at the same place.
So that is just a little window into our life right now. Stay tuned more updates to come.
We came home late Friday evening, got up Saturday to take the children to Young Marines. We spent the day at the unit with Dennis working on his college courses and our Sunday school lesson, while I worked on lesson plans for the children. Last night we had a meeting for all the Sunday school teachers and Youth activities leaders for this new school year. Jacob attended since he will be teaching a brand new Sunday school class that is being started. Joseph attended because he is helping with the opening for Sunday school now.
In addition to teaching Sunday School, I with Dennis' help, will be starting a Corps Cadet program for our youth. Nathan, Joseph and Jacob will be participating in this. I am really excited about it.
Now we are getting ready to head to Camp Ladore, Salvation Army Camp, for family camp this weekend. I am really looking forward to it.
Then next week we will dive deeper into our school year, with the following week finding us having activities practically every night at the Salvation Army (just different people involved). The nice thing is we will always be at the same place.
So that is just a little window into our life right now. Stay tuned more updates to come.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Getting ready for our anniversary
So last week we took the children and my mother with us to Busch Gardens. Our four children had a great time! Jacob and Joseph convinced Nathan to ride on all the rollercoasters with them. He loved them all. They have created a rollercoaster junkie. Unfortunately Rebecca was too short to ride two of them. But she made up for it by riding the others.
So now we are getting ready to go into full fledged school mode. We have a short week this week (since our anniversary is Thursday) and then next week we have a short week due to Labor Day weekend. We are going to spend Labor Day weekend at a Family Camp with the Salvation Army. Life is getting ready to go back into normal mode with all of our activities. The only exception is we no longer participating in Boy Scouts. But we are picking up some extra activities at church.
So now we are getting ready to go into full fledged school mode. We have a short week this week (since our anniversary is Thursday) and then next week we have a short week due to Labor Day weekend. We are going to spend Labor Day weekend at a Family Camp with the Salvation Army. Life is getting ready to go back into normal mode with all of our activities. The only exception is we no longer participating in Boy Scouts. But we are picking up some extra activities at church.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
So this week we have been homeschooling during the day and doing VBS in the evening. We have had a pretty relaxed week of homeschooling. I haven't quite required everything I normally would. Because we have been out of the house every evening, I have allowed the children to do more subjects on Monarch (an online program by Alpha Omega). It allows me to essentially see immediately what they got right or wrong.
However, I am much more of an eclectic style of homeschooler mom. So I don't think in the long run this will work well for our family. So starting Monday, here is a basic outline of what each child will be doing:
* Algebra (I can't wait for him to be done with math)
* Finishing Classical Astronomy (other than labs and beginning Friendly Chemistry
* Excellence in Literature - American Literature
* Finishing SWI-C, The Elegant Essay and Speech Boot Camp
* Wisdom Book Language Arts
* Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Auto Repairs/Maintenance
* Continue working on his Guitar lessons
* PE - mainly staying in shape for Young Marines
* Civics and Government
* Algebra
* 180 Daily Teaching Lesson (Easy Grammar)
* Monarch English
* Excellence in Literature - American Literature
* Finishing SWI-C, The Elegant Essay and Speech Boot Camp
* Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Government/Civics
* Introduction to Criminal Justice
* Forensic Science for High Schoolers
* Exploring Creation with Physical Science and do Friendly Chemistry
* Practice Baritone Horn
* Life of Fred Math (on Monday he is beginning Pre-Algebra with Biology)
* Easy Grammar - Grade 8
* WriteShop
* Wisdom Book Language Arts
* Drawn into the Heart of Reading
* Advance Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Exploring Creation with Physical Science
* Business Computer Information Skills
* Mystery of History
* PE
* Practice Coronet
* Life of Fred Math (Fractions, Decimals and Percents and probably begin Elementary Physics)
* Mystery of History
* DailyGrams
* WriteShop
* Drawn into the Heart of Reading
* Truth Be Told and either Christian Kids Explore Chemistry or Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology for Young Explorers)
* Latin
* PE
* Practice coronet
Then all of the children will be doing QuaverMusic, Home Economics, Art, Spelling and we will be continuing to work on developing our singing group (the six of us have sang several times for our churches - the most recently being last weekend).
I am trying to get a lot of planning done and trying to keep everything organized. I absolutely love my new planner for this year - it is by Mardel and is called "A Simple Plan". There is also an online version that I am wanting to use as well.
So I guess that about sums up everything. I may tweak a few things before we get going full blast into the school year. But right now I am pretty happy with my plans.
However, I am much more of an eclectic style of homeschooler mom. So I don't think in the long run this will work well for our family. So starting Monday, here is a basic outline of what each child will be doing:
* Algebra (I can't wait for him to be done with math)
* Finishing Classical Astronomy (other than labs and beginning Friendly Chemistry
* Excellence in Literature - American Literature
* Finishing SWI-C, The Elegant Essay and Speech Boot Camp
* Wisdom Book Language Arts
* Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Auto Repairs/Maintenance
* Continue working on his Guitar lessons
* PE - mainly staying in shape for Young Marines
* Civics and Government
* Algebra
* 180 Daily Teaching Lesson (Easy Grammar)
* Monarch English
* Excellence in Literature - American Literature
* Finishing SWI-C, The Elegant Essay and Speech Boot Camp
* Advanced Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Government/Civics
* Introduction to Criminal Justice
* Forensic Science for High Schoolers
* Exploring Creation with Physical Science and do Friendly Chemistry
* Practice Baritone Horn
* Life of Fred Math (on Monday he is beginning Pre-Algebra with Biology)
* Easy Grammar - Grade 8
* WriteShop
* Wisdom Book Language Arts
* Drawn into the Heart of Reading
* Advance Training Institute Wisdom Books
* Latin
* Exploring Creation with Physical Science
* Business Computer Information Skills
* Mystery of History
* PE
* Practice Coronet
* Life of Fred Math (Fractions, Decimals and Percents and probably begin Elementary Physics)
* Mystery of History
* DailyGrams
* WriteShop
* Drawn into the Heart of Reading
* Truth Be Told and either Christian Kids Explore Chemistry or Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology for Young Explorers)
* Latin
* PE
* Practice coronet
Then all of the children will be doing QuaverMusic, Home Economics, Art, Spelling and we will be continuing to work on developing our singing group (the six of us have sang several times for our churches - the most recently being last weekend).
I am trying to get a lot of planning done and trying to keep everything organized. I absolutely love my new planner for this year - it is by Mardel and is called "A Simple Plan". There is also an online version that I am wanting to use as well.
So I guess that about sums up everything. I may tweak a few things before we get going full blast into the school year. But right now I am pretty happy with my plans.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I am excited
Well this week is Vacation Bible School and we are having a great time at Kingdom Rock!!! Dennis really was outstanding the past two nights as "Wally - the knight in training". I had the fun last night of watching the children play in "goo". Then tonight I had the fun of watching Dennis perform along with our Queen Esther during the Bible story time.
We have a good time leading the opening, including the songs. Our two oldest sons are taking pictures, while the second one is also responsible for blowing his horn (I hope to get some pictures of this horn along with Joseph posted sometime within the next week.
The younger two are having a great time being Vacation Bible School participants.
On top of all this fun, we got the all clear for Jacob from the GI doctor. We only have to go back if he has problems. Now we take Joseph to see the doctor on Thursday and then we should get a break for a while.
One last thing, we got a letter in the mail today and we got the all clear for our homeschool portfolios. We have provided "appropriate education". This makes me very happy.
We have a good time leading the opening, including the songs. Our two oldest sons are taking pictures, while the second one is also responsible for blowing his horn (I hope to get some pictures of this horn along with Joseph posted sometime within the next week.
The younger two are having a great time being Vacation Bible School participants.
On top of all this fun, we got the all clear for Jacob from the GI doctor. We only have to go back if he has problems. Now we take Joseph to see the doctor on Thursday and then we should get a break for a while.
One last thing, we got a letter in the mail today and we got the all clear for our homeschool portfolios. We have provided "appropriate education". This makes me very happy.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Our week
So we are back together as a family now. It has been a while since I posted because we were traveling. We went on Saturday to pick up the children from Music and Arts camp. We got to see all the children from all the corps perform along with Staff members. The campers sang, danced, did skits for drama (had to love the one - as seen on TV), played timbrels, and played instruments.
Even though it was the first time our children attended, my oldest two brought home awards. Jacob was top of the Advanced Guitar class and his cabin took top cabin, and he also was honor camper one day. Joseph took top of his chorus group (he and Jacob sounded amazing), as well as receiving the award for honor camper one day plus an overall Honor camper award.
After we got everyone loaded up, we took off to Greensburg. Jacob was attending a birthday party for one of his friends there.
Sunday morning everyone woke up super early (guess camp was good for one thing - unfortunately it hasn't lasted). We ate breakfast and went to church. Everyone was glad to see us and we were glad to see everyone. We had the privilege of hearing one of the young men who grew up in the church preach his last sermon for a while at the church. Zach is on his way to Africa to be a missionary next week. We wish him Godspeed and just have to say what a wonderful sermon/testimony he gave.
From church we went and picked up the U-haul truck and went back to our old house. We managed to load up all the stuff that day (minus the window air conditioner units which was one of the main things we were concerned about. It looks like before December we will no longer be homeowners. Monday we got up, ate breakfast, went back to the house and loaded the air conditioners. Then we drove home (well Dennis and I did - he was in the U-haul and I was in our van).
Dennis and the boys were able to get the entire truck unloaded and the air conditioners installed that afternoon. We went to a meeting that night to finalize arrangements for our Kids Fest and our Vacation Bible School. The older two boys have been at the church every day this week since Tuesday helping prepare for VBS. We all had a blast helping (or for the younger two participating in) the Kids Fest. Now we are gearing up for Sunday - Dennis is preaching, I am leading the rest of the service, our family is singing, and Joseph will be enrolled as a Senior Soldier. So we will have a full day.
Even though it was the first time our children attended, my oldest two brought home awards. Jacob was top of the Advanced Guitar class and his cabin took top cabin, and he also was honor camper one day. Joseph took top of his chorus group (he and Jacob sounded amazing), as well as receiving the award for honor camper one day plus an overall Honor camper award.
After we got everyone loaded up, we took off to Greensburg. Jacob was attending a birthday party for one of his friends there.
Sunday morning everyone woke up super early (guess camp was good for one thing - unfortunately it hasn't lasted). We ate breakfast and went to church. Everyone was glad to see us and we were glad to see everyone. We had the privilege of hearing one of the young men who grew up in the church preach his last sermon for a while at the church. Zach is on his way to Africa to be a missionary next week. We wish him Godspeed and just have to say what a wonderful sermon/testimony he gave.
From church we went and picked up the U-haul truck and went back to our old house. We managed to load up all the stuff that day (minus the window air conditioner units which was one of the main things we were concerned about. It looks like before December we will no longer be homeowners. Monday we got up, ate breakfast, went back to the house and loaded the air conditioners. Then we drove home (well Dennis and I did - he was in the U-haul and I was in our van).
Dennis and the boys were able to get the entire truck unloaded and the air conditioners installed that afternoon. We went to a meeting that night to finalize arrangements for our Kids Fest and our Vacation Bible School. The older two boys have been at the church every day this week since Tuesday helping prepare for VBS. We all had a blast helping (or for the younger two participating in) the Kids Fest. Now we are gearing up for Sunday - Dennis is preaching, I am leading the rest of the service, our family is singing, and Joseph will be enrolled as a Senior Soldier. So we will have a full day.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thoughts for Thursday
So today I was going through some of the posts for some of the different blogs I follow, and I looked at one discussing the books the person was reading. So I decided I should list some of the books I am reading/wanting to read here.
I am reading "Educating the Wholehearted Child" by Sally Clarkson and am getting ready to begin an online study of her book "Desperate". I am reading "The Well-Trained Heart" by Ray and Donna Reish. I am also getting ready to begin an Online Bible Study for "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa TerKeurst through Melissa Taylor's Online Bible Studies. I also am trying to read "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God".
On another line of thinking, early in our homeschooling adventure I found out about Sue Patrick's Workboxes. This seemed like a great fit for our family and our life style. So I attempted to implement the system. Then life happened and we strayed from it. So I am going to be working towards getting us back in the habit.
I am reading "Educating the Wholehearted Child" by Sally Clarkson and am getting ready to begin an online study of her book "Desperate". I am reading "The Well-Trained Heart" by Ray and Donna Reish. I am also getting ready to begin an Online Bible Study for "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa TerKeurst through Melissa Taylor's Online Bible Studies. I also am trying to read "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God".
On another line of thinking, early in our homeschooling adventure I found out about Sue Patrick's Workboxes. This seemed like a great fit for our family and our life style. So I attempted to implement the system. Then life happened and we strayed from it. So I am going to be working towards getting us back in the habit.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Halfway Through Camp
So we are now over halfway through the children being at camp. Saturday morning we will be getting up and going to the camp. We will be watching them perform. I am looking forward to it.
Meanwhile, I am here working on lesson plans. So far I have completed our plans for our Advanced Training Institute. I am now working on everyone's math assignments. I am planning the whole year, so I have four different plans to do. I have also put a significant dent in the plans for science for everyone.
Meanwhile, I am here working on lesson plans. So far I have completed our plans for our Advanced Training Institute. I am now working on everyone's math assignments. I am planning the whole year, so I have four different plans to do. I have also put a significant dent in the plans for science for everyone.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Our house sure is quiet!
Our house is sure quiet! With the four children out of the house, my husband and I are able to actually have a real discussion. There is no one saying, "Mommie" or "Daddy". But it just isn't normal. I miss my children and I am not afraid to admit it. I love hearing their comments and observations. I love interacting with them and hearing what they are thinking. I love being able to teach them at home. I enjoy spending time as a family.
Yesterday at church it seemed so strange to not have the children with us at church, especially since the teens were leading the service. The service truly was a blessing. Everyone who had a part did really well.
In two weeks, our family will be leading the service. I will be doing the opening, call to worship and so forth, our family will be singing together a capella, and Dennis will be giving the message. I am really excited about this opportunity to see where God leads us.
Yesterday at church it seemed so strange to not have the children with us at church, especially since the teens were leading the service. The service truly was a blessing. Everyone who had a part did really well.
In two weeks, our family will be leading the service. I will be doing the opening, call to worship and so forth, our family will be singing together a capella, and Dennis will be giving the message. I am really excited about this opportunity to see where God leads us.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I am so excited!!!!!!
I am so excited!!!!! We have hot water again and the truck's tire is fixed. The children are basically packed to leave for camp in the morning.
I have to say life can be ironic at times. So all four children are going to camp tomorrow. Then Saturday our Army Reserve unit is having our family day. I find it funny that my husband is the commander of the unit and I am the Family Readiness Group leader, but we will have no children at our family day. Even if they were not going to be at camp this weekend, they would still miss the family day because they would be with the Young Marines.
So life is definitely interesting around here!
I have to say life can be ironic at times. So all four children are going to camp tomorrow. Then Saturday our Army Reserve unit is having our family day. I find it funny that my husband is the commander of the unit and I am the Family Readiness Group leader, but we will have no children at our family day. Even if they were not going to be at camp this weekend, they would still miss the family day because they would be with the Young Marines.
So life is definitely interesting around here!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
What a week!
Well we are having quite the week! First, our hot water heater went out on Sunday, and it is still out. It may be Friday before it is fixed. Then today, we helped out the Salvation Army More Than Bread (soup kitchen).
After Dennis dropped us off at the house, he went back to work. Well he ended up having a flat tire. So he called AAA, and made sure to tell them the person coming out would need to bring the tool to let the spare tire down (for some unknown reason, ours did not come with one). Unfortunately the repair person did not get those instructions. So he came without that tool.
This meant our truck was going to have to be towed to a repair shop for them to change the tire. Well in the meantime, a friend of the repairmen called to say he could bring them the part. So he arrived, and they began taking the tire off. Unfortunately the repairman's wrench broke which stopped the job. So back to the necessity of taking the truck to a repair shop. So they got there, but the repairman (someone we are becoming really, really, really familiar with - seeing how he just replaced the radiator and transmission in our 12 passenger van and is going to be repairing the brakes on our minivan) did not have the time to fix the tire.
This is when a silver lining comes into play - our minivan was still there since he had just looked at it to find out what was wrong with the brakes. So Dennis was able to drive that home. The truck should be ready tomorrow.
I have to say life is never dull in a house with 7 people, a military member, four children and three vehicles. It is quite adventurous.
After Dennis dropped us off at the house, he went back to work. Well he ended up having a flat tire. So he called AAA, and made sure to tell them the person coming out would need to bring the tool to let the spare tire down (for some unknown reason, ours did not come with one). Unfortunately the repair person did not get those instructions. So he came without that tool.
This meant our truck was going to have to be towed to a repair shop for them to change the tire. Well in the meantime, a friend of the repairmen called to say he could bring them the part. So he arrived, and they began taking the tire off. Unfortunately the repairman's wrench broke which stopped the job. So back to the necessity of taking the truck to a repair shop. So they got there, but the repairman (someone we are becoming really, really, really familiar with - seeing how he just replaced the radiator and transmission in our 12 passenger van and is going to be repairing the brakes on our minivan) did not have the time to fix the tire.
This is when a silver lining comes into play - our minivan was still there since he had just looked at it to find out what was wrong with the brakes. So Dennis was able to drive that home. The truck should be ready tomorrow.
I have to say life is never dull in a house with 7 people, a military member, four children and three vehicles. It is quite adventurous.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
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our week
We have quite the busy week this week. It began with our hot water heater going out on Sunday, plus us getting some corn to put up. The hot water heater is still not back on yet. On top of this we are trying to get all four children ready to leave for Music and Arts camp on Friday. This involves laundry being done. However, we can't do laundry since we don't have hot water on our side of the house.
On Wednesday we are going to help out at the Soup kitchen. Afterwards we may have more corn to put up. Thursday night we have a meeting for our upcoming Kidsfest and Vacation Bible school. Then at an undetermined time on Friday, the children leave for Music and Arts camp. They will be gone until the following Saturday. Then this Saturday Dennis' unit has drills and it is our family day. So we are going to have quite the week.
On Wednesday we are going to help out at the Soup kitchen. Afterwards we may have more corn to put up. Thursday night we have a meeting for our upcoming Kidsfest and Vacation Bible school. Then at an undetermined time on Friday, the children leave for Music and Arts camp. They will be gone until the following Saturday. Then this Saturday Dennis' unit has drills and it is our family day. So we are going to have quite the week.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Blessings in Disguise
Sometimes blessings come in disguise and from the most unlikely places. This time last year we were in the process of moving courtesy of the Army Reserves. However, we were moving to an area with few homes to rent (especially that would fit a family of 7).
We were blessed to find a home that another homeschooling family was ready to rent out. It was not the home I pictured us living in. Instead of being a traditional single family home, it was set up as a double (as Pennsylvanians like to call them). So this means we have two kitchens, two laundry areas, and most importantly - two heaters and two hot water heaters.
This is especially important on days like yesterday. It was an average Sunday. We went to church, came home, and fixed lunch. Afterwards, we discovered we had no hot water. This is the second time in a few months this has happened. But we are blessed to have a second hot water heater for the other half of the house. This means life can continue to function fairly normal until it is fixed.
It appears a part needs to be replaced, so hopefully, it will fixed tomorrow. We have had a lot of adventures with water/pipes over the past almost 21 years. But this is the first time, we have not had life completely interrupted by the occurrence. So for us the blessing has come in the form of renting a double rather than a single family home.
We were blessed to find a home that another homeschooling family was ready to rent out. It was not the home I pictured us living in. Instead of being a traditional single family home, it was set up as a double (as Pennsylvanians like to call them). So this means we have two kitchens, two laundry areas, and most importantly - two heaters and two hot water heaters.
This is especially important on days like yesterday. It was an average Sunday. We went to church, came home, and fixed lunch. Afterwards, we discovered we had no hot water. This is the second time in a few months this has happened. But we are blessed to have a second hot water heater for the other half of the house. This means life can continue to function fairly normal until it is fixed.
It appears a part needs to be replaced, so hopefully, it will fixed tomorrow. We have had a lot of adventures with water/pipes over the past almost 21 years. But this is the first time, we have not had life completely interrupted by the occurrence. So for us the blessing has come in the form of renting a double rather than a single family home.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Have you ever had one of those "aha" moments, especially if you are the parent of a teenager. Today, I had the privilege of watching all four of my children participate in a color guard along with their father in celebration of Independence Day. It was a marvelous thing to get to see even our 10 year old daughter work together. They all did a wonderful job.
The "aha" moment came from realizing they are all growing up - and growing up so fast. It is hard to believe our oldest should be moving on to college this time next year. Our youngest will be 11 in a few months. She is growing up way too fast.
This week all four children will be heading off for Music and Arts camp. It is Boo's first time going to camp. I am excited for her. I know she will do great and have loads of fun. At the same time, it means "aha, my baby is growing up!". The one good thing is she will be having this experience with her three brothers. So at least I know they will be around if she gets lonely or needs a hug from someone in her own family.
There is the "Aha" moment that all too soon our home will empty of these children. I pray we have raised them to where they can and will soar on the wings of God. I pray they rely on God and Jesus Christ for strength and guidance.
It is one of the hardest but most wonderful things to know our children are growing up and growing in their faith. I love watching them focus on God.
The "aha" moment came from realizing they are all growing up - and growing up so fast. It is hard to believe our oldest should be moving on to college this time next year. Our youngest will be 11 in a few months. She is growing up way too fast.
This week all four children will be heading off for Music and Arts camp. It is Boo's first time going to camp. I am excited for her. I know she will do great and have loads of fun. At the same time, it means "aha, my baby is growing up!". The one good thing is she will be having this experience with her three brothers. So at least I know they will be around if she gets lonely or needs a hug from someone in her own family.
There is the "Aha" moment that all too soon our home will empty of these children. I pray we have raised them to where they can and will soar on the wings of God. I pray they rely on God and Jesus Christ for strength and guidance.
It is one of the hardest but most wonderful things to know our children are growing up and growing in their faith. I love watching them focus on God.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Today, I have done some schooling with our children, worked on laundry, done some cleaning and organizing. Now I am taking a few minutes to write a post here. Musical instruments are being played over all my house. We have a keyboard, guitars, violins, a cello, a baritone horn, three coronets and an alto horn all residing in our home. Various people play various instruments at various times. It makes for life to be very interesting.
I am working on lesson planning for the year, but I still have a long way to go. Plus I am trying to make the children and myself stay more organized for the new year. Yesterday marks the first official day we can count for our new school year. So I now have two middle school students and two high school students. Our oldest should be entering 12th grade this year, but he will probably be at home with us for another year or two beyond that.
In things that just strike an ironic tone, I found out that our home church in NC, our old church in Greensburg, PA and our current church are all doing the exact same Vacation Bible School program this month. I found this slightly ironic.
I am working on lesson planning for the year, but I still have a long way to go. Plus I am trying to make the children and myself stay more organized for the new year. Yesterday marks the first official day we can count for our new school year. So I now have two middle school students and two high school students. Our oldest should be entering 12th grade this year, but he will probably be at home with us for another year or two beyond that.
In things that just strike an ironic tone, I found out that our home church in NC, our old church in Greensburg, PA and our current church are all doing the exact same Vacation Bible School program this month. I found this slightly ironic.
Friday, June 28, 2013
17 years ago today
So 17 years ago today, we were in the hospital awaiting the arrival of our first born son. Dennis and I arrived at the hospital around 6:30 am for our scheduled induction. He was born at around 5:40 that evening. He was a dream baby in some ways. He truly is a blessing directly from God to our family. Oh and it would not be fair to talk about Jacob's birth without mentioning my birthing coach - Dennis' sister-in-law Lisa. She was truly amazing at all the births (she coached me for all four). I am not sure I could have gotten through the labor and delivery without her. Stay tuned in October, when all three others were born to read about their lives.
However, this grape ape would only fall asleep some nights by his dad holding Jacob with his head in Dad's had and the rest of him laying supported by Daddy's arm. From one end of our single wide mobile home to the other end of the home Dennis would constantly walk bouncing Jacob the entire time. The two had/have an incredible bond.
Two weeks to the day after he was born, he lived through his first hurricane. A few months later, he lived through his second.
This baby became a toddler who loved to be with his daddy. One day, Daddy took him to the garden to dig potatoes. However, I think all he really did was throw dirt over himself.
Then our second son came along. The two were inseparable, and quite good at being instigators. At the tender ages of about four and two, these two were able to put our minivan in gear (Jacob steered) and Joseph was down on the floor board pushing the pedals. Somehow the two managed to get the van in gear and drive it into our fence (a much better outcome than what could have happened - them driving the van into our mobile home.
The young boy grew and started school. On his first day, I took him and picked him up (along with his siblings). My young son looked at me that afternoon and told me, he did not want me to take him and pick him up; instead he wanted to ride the school bus.
He continued to grow. When he entered fourth grade, he started Cub Scouts. The following year we were forced into a situation that resulted in us homeschooling Jacob that year and then bringing all four children home the following year. He really came into his own through homeschooling.
Then he crossed over into Boy Scouts and just sort of took things as they came. In November 2008, we moved from North Carolina to Pennsylvania. Right before we moved, his brother crossed to Boy Scouts. Joseph had drive and determination, which helped motivate Jacob.
Soon the two were picking up each new rank at the same time. After all, as the song goes, "Anything you can do, I can do better." This was their philosophy. Although I believe Jacob was less competitive than Joseph by nature. He just was not about to let Joseph outshine him.
He also became a Young Marine and did a fairly good job at that.
In July of 2012, both boys reached the rank of Eagle Scout. They had their boards of review the same night. So technically they achieved Eagle the same date. We did a combined Eagle ceremony for them, which was a tremendous success. We had an amazing turnout. My inlaws drove to PA, with two of Dennis' aunts to celebrate with us. My father-in-law even cooked a hog for everyone. The aunts and my mother-in-law helped with cooking everything else. It was a wonderful day, although slightly bittersweet - since we had just moved a couple of weeks earlier from western PA to central PA. We came back just for the Eagle ceremony.
Today, we are finally getting around to taking Jacob to get his permit. This means he will actually be driving. He then has to get in 65 hours of driving experience including 10 hours of nighttime driving and five hours of driving in bad weather. I plan on those being some of the last of the 65 hours of experience.
So I just wanted to share a little with you. I have to say life is never boring with my JacobP. He is a true joy that God has blessed me to call son.
However, this grape ape would only fall asleep some nights by his dad holding Jacob with his head in Dad's had and the rest of him laying supported by Daddy's arm. From one end of our single wide mobile home to the other end of the home Dennis would constantly walk bouncing Jacob the entire time. The two had/have an incredible bond.
Two weeks to the day after he was born, he lived through his first hurricane. A few months later, he lived through his second.
This baby became a toddler who loved to be with his daddy. One day, Daddy took him to the garden to dig potatoes. However, I think all he really did was throw dirt over himself.
Then our second son came along. The two were inseparable, and quite good at being instigators. At the tender ages of about four and two, these two were able to put our minivan in gear (Jacob steered) and Joseph was down on the floor board pushing the pedals. Somehow the two managed to get the van in gear and drive it into our fence (a much better outcome than what could have happened - them driving the van into our mobile home.
The young boy grew and started school. On his first day, I took him and picked him up (along with his siblings). My young son looked at me that afternoon and told me, he did not want me to take him and pick him up; instead he wanted to ride the school bus.
He continued to grow. When he entered fourth grade, he started Cub Scouts. The following year we were forced into a situation that resulted in us homeschooling Jacob that year and then bringing all four children home the following year. He really came into his own through homeschooling.
Then he crossed over into Boy Scouts and just sort of took things as they came. In November 2008, we moved from North Carolina to Pennsylvania. Right before we moved, his brother crossed to Boy Scouts. Joseph had drive and determination, which helped motivate Jacob.
Soon the two were picking up each new rank at the same time. After all, as the song goes, "Anything you can do, I can do better." This was their philosophy. Although I believe Jacob was less competitive than Joseph by nature. He just was not about to let Joseph outshine him.
He also became a Young Marine and did a fairly good job at that.
In July of 2012, both boys reached the rank of Eagle Scout. They had their boards of review the same night. So technically they achieved Eagle the same date. We did a combined Eagle ceremony for them, which was a tremendous success. We had an amazing turnout. My inlaws drove to PA, with two of Dennis' aunts to celebrate with us. My father-in-law even cooked a hog for everyone. The aunts and my mother-in-law helped with cooking everything else. It was a wonderful day, although slightly bittersweet - since we had just moved a couple of weeks earlier from western PA to central PA. We came back just for the Eagle ceremony.
Today, we are finally getting around to taking Jacob to get his permit. This means he will actually be driving. He then has to get in 65 hours of driving experience including 10 hours of nighttime driving and five hours of driving in bad weather. I plan on those being some of the last of the 65 hours of experience.
So I just wanted to share a little with you. I have to say life is never boring with my JacobP. He is a true joy that God has blessed me to call son.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Priority Shift
Well this is the final blog hop for the online Bible Study I have been participating in for Stressed-Less Living. My post for today will be regarding Priority shifts. I don't know about you, but when things are going "perfectly" in my life, it is easy to let God take a back seat. Yet the moment even the smallest thing goes wrong, I go running back to God calling out for help.
This year I have been striving to keep God at the center of everything all the time. So in other words, it is all God all the time. I try to pray constantly during the day, whether it be in praise and thanksgiving or if it is a desperate plea for help. I know nothing is impossible for God. It is like the line in the movie "Facing the Giants" where he asks his team, "What is impossible for God?" and everyone replies nothing. God is ready, willing and able to create miracles or to just be a reassuring presence for us. All we have to do is cry out with our voice.
Another way I have been making God a priority is through the use of YouVersion, a Bible reading software program. I have it set up so every day it reminds me I need to spend time with God. I typically have two plans going at once. One is to read the Bible through completely. In fact I finished my plan last night for that. Then the second one is a devotional plan. I receive the reminders first thing in the morning for these. In fact, I have the app on my ipad so I can read these anytime anywhere. It really helps me focus on God.
Also, we homeschool our four children and with the exception of math - every program we use is centered around the Bible. This means that I am submersed in God's word, wonders and miracles all day long. As we do school my children also benefit from this intense Bible immersion. I have seen them grow in wisdom and faith as they have grown up.
Tomorrow my oldest will turn 17 and I know his faith is strong. I know he honestly took Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. By both of their parents spend time with God - in His presence through prayer, and in His Word - through reading the Bible, their faith has grown and matured and blossomed.
This year I have been striving to keep God at the center of everything all the time. So in other words, it is all God all the time. I try to pray constantly during the day, whether it be in praise and thanksgiving or if it is a desperate plea for help. I know nothing is impossible for God. It is like the line in the movie "Facing the Giants" where he asks his team, "What is impossible for God?" and everyone replies nothing. God is ready, willing and able to create miracles or to just be a reassuring presence for us. All we have to do is cry out with our voice.
Another way I have been making God a priority is through the use of YouVersion, a Bible reading software program. I have it set up so every day it reminds me I need to spend time with God. I typically have two plans going at once. One is to read the Bible through completely. In fact I finished my plan last night for that. Then the second one is a devotional plan. I receive the reminders first thing in the morning for these. In fact, I have the app on my ipad so I can read these anytime anywhere. It really helps me focus on God.
Also, we homeschool our four children and with the exception of math - every program we use is centered around the Bible. This means that I am submersed in God's word, wonders and miracles all day long. As we do school my children also benefit from this intense Bible immersion. I have seen them grow in wisdom and faith as they have grown up.
Tomorrow my oldest will turn 17 and I know his faith is strong. I know he honestly took Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. By both of their parents spend time with God - in His presence through prayer, and in His Word - through reading the Bible, their faith has grown and matured and blossomed.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
We have turned in our paperwork for this past year. Now it is a waiting game until we can pick up our portfolios. We went ahead and turned in our affidavits for the new school year. Now all I have to do is send the coordinator our objectives for the new year.
So I am deep, deep, deep into planning for the new school year. My goal is to have everything planned for the year by the time we pick up the children up from Music and Arts camp in July. Some courses are pretty straight forward because they are laid up by the year for me. So I can basically say Week so and so and then day so and so or so forth. Others will be slightly more challenging because based on how they perform on the assignments, they will either stay put or move forward. This is especially true for the Life of Fred Math books. My younger two are really enjoying them.
Rebecca has completed all of the Elementary Series books, and is about finished with the last of the three intermediate books. Then she starts on Fractions. Nathan is currently working on the Elementary Physics book. I have a feeling he will be completed with both of the Pre-Algebra books before the year is over.
Then we have some courses (like Introduction to Criminology and Introduction to Forensic Science) that Joseph is going to take. Those courses are going to need to be created from scratch by me. I have bought the books I want to use for the courses, but I have to create the lesson plan and make sure I know the answers to the questions.
I have found several things for this new school year that I have fallen in love with:
The first is A Simple Plan Homeschool planner by Mardel. Here is a picture:
This planner is set up where I can even add weekly plans for the children. This is a place for general plans for the year for each course. I love this feature. So I am starting to fill out the planner in order to be ready. It begins with July 1st. So that is when I will officially begin using it. Mardel also offers an online version of the planner. It does not have a lot of extra frills and unnecessary additions. So I am really excited about this.
One of my favorite publishers is Notgrass Company. My older two have completed Exploring America and are working on finishing Exploring World History. After Music camp is over, we will begin Exploring Government and I will add in a Civics course that still needs to be determined. My youngest son has completed and my daughter is in the process of finishing the America the Beautiful curriculum. I just discovered they have created a Civics course for Middle School, so our daughter might be doing that.
Here is a picture of the course:
Our youngest son is doing Trisms Historymakers. We have already started this and will finish it up this year. Then my daughter may do Mystery of History as well.
We will be doing Latin. Institute for Excellence in Writing courses for some along with WriteShop for others. So I know we are going to have a full year. I will come back and add more about the rest of the curriculum we will be using.
So I am deep, deep, deep into planning for the new school year. My goal is to have everything planned for the year by the time we pick up the children up from Music and Arts camp in July. Some courses are pretty straight forward because they are laid up by the year for me. So I can basically say Week so and so and then day so and so or so forth. Others will be slightly more challenging because based on how they perform on the assignments, they will either stay put or move forward. This is especially true for the Life of Fred Math books. My younger two are really enjoying them.
Rebecca has completed all of the Elementary Series books, and is about finished with the last of the three intermediate books. Then she starts on Fractions. Nathan is currently working on the Elementary Physics book. I have a feeling he will be completed with both of the Pre-Algebra books before the year is over.
Then we have some courses (like Introduction to Criminology and Introduction to Forensic Science) that Joseph is going to take. Those courses are going to need to be created from scratch by me. I have bought the books I want to use for the courses, but I have to create the lesson plan and make sure I know the answers to the questions.
I have found several things for this new school year that I have fallen in love with:
The first is A Simple Plan Homeschool planner by Mardel. Here is a picture:
This planner is set up where I can even add weekly plans for the children. This is a place for general plans for the year for each course. I love this feature. So I am starting to fill out the planner in order to be ready. It begins with July 1st. So that is when I will officially begin using it. Mardel also offers an online version of the planner. It does not have a lot of extra frills and unnecessary additions. So I am really excited about this.
One of my favorite publishers is Notgrass Company. My older two have completed Exploring America and are working on finishing Exploring World History. After Music camp is over, we will begin Exploring Government and I will add in a Civics course that still needs to be determined. My youngest son has completed and my daughter is in the process of finishing the America the Beautiful curriculum. I just discovered they have created a Civics course for Middle School, so our daughter might be doing that.
Here is a picture of the course:
Our youngest son is doing Trisms Historymakers. We have already started this and will finish it up this year. Then my daughter may do Mystery of History as well.
We will be doing Latin. Institute for Excellence in Writing courses for some along with WriteShop for others. So I know we are going to have a full year. I will come back and add more about the rest of the curriculum we will be using.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
We are completing week 11 of the online Bible Study for "Stressed-Less Living". So it is time for the weekly blog hop. So today I am going to take a few minutes to write about the greatest need in my family's lives right now. I have been talking about it off and on for the last few weeks. Our finances and transportation needs are what we need to surrender to God and let Him manage them for us.
We have a twelve passenger van that needs a new transmission. We have a limited amount of funds to handle the said repairs with right now. The van is in the shop with the hopes of rebuilding the existing transmission. Putting a new transmission in is out of our financial means right now. So I am surrendering to God this situation. He knows our every need before we do. He has the ability to perform miracles. So I have been spending much time in prayer. We need this vehicle to transport our family, or we need to repair the brakes on my Chevrolet Venture. So right now this is forefront in my mind. I believe God can supply our every need - but it happens in His time and not ours. God is a God of love and compassion. He never gives us more than we can stand.
We have a twelve passenger van that needs a new transmission. We have a limited amount of funds to handle the said repairs with right now. The van is in the shop with the hopes of rebuilding the existing transmission. Putting a new transmission in is out of our financial means right now. So I am surrendering to God this situation. He knows our every need before we do. He has the ability to perform miracles. So I have been spending much time in prayer. We need this vehicle to transport our family, or we need to repair the brakes on my Chevrolet Venture. So right now this is forefront in my mind. I believe God can supply our every need - but it happens in His time and not ours. God is a God of love and compassion. He never gives us more than we can stand.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Working to finish up the school year and got a lot going on
So last week we had the excitement of Dad coming home from annual training. Then the four children participated in a parade with the Young Marines. Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day by going out to eat. We went to church on Sunday. Before we could go eat, we dropped off the 12 passenger van to hopefully we can get the transmission fixed. We should hear something about that by this Tuesday.
Afterwards, we did some window-shopping and I got my hair cut. Today, all four children and I had eye exams. Dad took us all since I was not sure if I would need to have my eyes dilated or not. My eyes have gotten worse. Jacob and Joseph still need glasses, but only to see things far away. The younger two did great and have excellent vision. From there we went and made appointments for all four children to have annual physicals done. Plus Dad and I need follow-up appointments.
Tomorrow we are going with the Salvation Army to Knoebels (an amusement park) or at least we are if the children have enough schoolwork done. Wednesday, Jacob and Nathan go in the morning for their physicals; then Dad and I go in the evening for our follow-up appointments. This way maybe next week we can take Jacob to get his permit. Thursday we help with the soup kitchen. Friday the four children go to the encampment with Young Marines. After we drop them off Friday morning, we will be taking the children's portfolios off so we will be done with this school year.
We are planning on taking Jacob to get his permit one day next week. Then on the 28th we will be celebrating Jacob's 17th birthday. On the 1st and 2nd, we take Joseph and Rebecca for their physicals respectively. On the 12th they all go to music and arts camp, so hopefully while they are gone, I will get tons of planning for next year done.
So life is definitely getting exciting around here.
Afterwards, we did some window-shopping and I got my hair cut. Today, all four children and I had eye exams. Dad took us all since I was not sure if I would need to have my eyes dilated or not. My eyes have gotten worse. Jacob and Joseph still need glasses, but only to see things far away. The younger two did great and have excellent vision. From there we went and made appointments for all four children to have annual physicals done. Plus Dad and I need follow-up appointments.
Tomorrow we are going with the Salvation Army to Knoebels (an amusement park) or at least we are if the children have enough schoolwork done. Wednesday, Jacob and Nathan go in the morning for their physicals; then Dad and I go in the evening for our follow-up appointments. This way maybe next week we can take Jacob to get his permit. Thursday we help with the soup kitchen. Friday the four children go to the encampment with Young Marines. After we drop them off Friday morning, we will be taking the children's portfolios off so we will be done with this school year.
We are planning on taking Jacob to get his permit one day next week. Then on the 28th we will be celebrating Jacob's 17th birthday. On the 1st and 2nd, we take Joseph and Rebecca for their physicals respectively. On the 12th they all go to music and arts camp, so hopefully while they are gone, I will get tons of planning for next year done.
So life is definitely getting exciting around here.
Friday, June 14, 2013
How exciting it is when...
You know it is exciting to go away, when you are the one going away (or at least in some cases it is exciting). In other cases or if you are the one being left behind it is not so fun. On May 30th, Dennis left for annual training. He is the rear detachment commander of an Army Reserve unit and he had to go. Well that meant the children and I were left behind. Sure we got to sleep in our beds and do all the other normal things, but there was a hole in our home and in our hearts.
Even though he goes to work most days, at night and most weekends, he is at home with us. He is an active participant in our family - not a spectator on the sidelines. For the last year, he has really been trying to be more actively involved in our homeschool endeavors. How that manifests itself varies from week to week and even day to day sometimes. One thing we have recently started doing is weekly progress meetings with all four children. We get together with each child individually and look at what they have done that week, what they are going to be the next week and discuss any questions, concerns or other topics the child wants to discuss. It has really helped us stay connected with the children and allows Dennis to be connected with the homeschool.
So yesterday Dennis returned home from annual training. Sure he has to go to work today and tomorrow, but at least he will be here at night. There is a lot going on in our world the next few weeks, we are trying to get the transmission replaced/repaired on our 12 passenger van. It goes in the shop on Monday. Then Monday afternoon we all get to go to the eye doctors (well the children and me). Thursday we go and help out with More Than Bread (Soup Kitchen) at the Salvation Army. Then next weekend the children are going on an encampment with their Young Marine unit. So life is picking up steam for the summer.
Even though he goes to work most days, at night and most weekends, he is at home with us. He is an active participant in our family - not a spectator on the sidelines. For the last year, he has really been trying to be more actively involved in our homeschool endeavors. How that manifests itself varies from week to week and even day to day sometimes. One thing we have recently started doing is weekly progress meetings with all four children. We get together with each child individually and look at what they have done that week, what they are going to be the next week and discuss any questions, concerns or other topics the child wants to discuss. It has really helped us stay connected with the children and allows Dennis to be connected with the homeschool.
So yesterday Dennis returned home from annual training. Sure he has to go to work today and tomorrow, but at least he will be here at night. There is a lot going on in our world the next few weeks, we are trying to get the transmission replaced/repaired on our 12 passenger van. It goes in the shop on Monday. Then Monday afternoon we all get to go to the eye doctors (well the children and me). Thursday we go and help out with More Than Bread (Soup Kitchen) at the Salvation Army. Then next weekend the children are going on an encampment with their Young Marine unit. So life is picking up steam for the summer.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Breaking Point
My husband is active duty in the Army Reserves. We have only made two moves during that time. One move was from Southeastern North Carolina to southwestern Pennsylvania. Then the last move was from southeastern Pennsylvania to north central Pennsylvania. One would think moving across several state lines would have been much more stressful than moving about 3 hours. However, that is not the case.
This time last year, we were in the middle of preparing for a move. Things did not go smoothly. We had a horrible time finding a house to rent. But God finally provided one (although it was not the house I pictured nor a price I pictured per month). Then the military lost our paperwork for scheduling our move. So this delayed our move by almost a month.
Then moving time came and the stress level went through the roof. We were not given the same weight limit. We had about 2/3 of an 18 wheeler filled when we moved from Carolina. But the truck driver here said our goods would not fit in his full 18 wheeler with no other goods. So we had to keep fighting that. We had numerous money issues associated with the move. Things just kept piling up on us. We had not been able to rent or sell our home where we were living. So that compounded our financial stress. Then my husband did one drill with his new unit, while I tried to get us settled and get a brand new family readiness group off the ground. Well, God has a sense of humor as far as timing goes. I know this because almost 17 years ago, we had our first son. Two weeks to the day of his birth Hurricane Bertha paid a visit to eastern NC. I worked as an office manager for an insurance agent. He did not find a really suitable replacement. So my boss called me to come in and help. So trust me when I say I understand the devastation that hurricanes bring.
My husband is Army Reserves full time and his area of training is water purification. So when Hurricane Sandy came calling in New York and left devastation behind, my husband's unit was activated to assist with the mission. The unit was the first Army Reserve unit activated for an in-country natural disaster. So my stress level went through the roof. I had four children, my mother, no family readiness group, no church and no real friends for support to speak of. Plus I have chronic hypertension that was diagnosed almost 20 years ago (I was 24). As a result of everything coming at once, my blood pressure went through the roof. I had chest pains and all sorts of fun things.
On top of my issues, my oldest son has had digestive issues for over 7 years. However, we never were able to get a diagnosis. This same son has a terrible time with his dad being gone. So needless to say his stomach went crazy.
All of this brought me to my breaking point. Now I have to say I have a Yankee-German temper that can get the best of me. I genuinely love my husband and love being with him. I also genuinely consider him to be my best friend, the one great love of my life and so forth. Well, for him to be unable to stay in touch really tore me up inside. I felt like God had abandoned me. I truly felt alone in the world. Everything came crashing down. I reached the end of my rope.
When things are at the darkest and I felt like there was no one to lean on or help me, God reached out through my husband and touched me. I learned to rely on Him and trust there was a purpose for all that we had went through. He lifted me and drew me in, although I needed to step out in faith towards Him. It reminds me now of when Jesus told Peter to walk toward Him on the water. But Peter failed when he lost his faith. So I had to have my faith in God restored.
About this time, my husband returned and we started to attempt to begin our new life in our new location. One of those steps of course was finding a church. I had seen a church online that I wanted to try, so we did that. We found it to be a fairly good fit for our family. Then another thing happened - my husband prior to going full-time in the Army Reserves was a reservist. Prior to us even knowing each other, he also did 4 years in the Air Force. So all this time added together to allow him to receive his 20 year letter during December. He could retire as a reservist, but we would not draw retirement until he reached the legal age for retirement. So we would have to find another source of income.
Well God stepped in and provided my husband with an individual who had a possible new career for us to explore. So we stepped out in faith and began exploring this new career path. We are not sure where God is leading us in this adventure (meaning we are not sure what doors God is going to open or close for us). But He definitely has restored my faith, my closeness to Himself and my husband and caused me to reach inside and find a depth of faith I did not know I had. That is not to say that everything is perfect now. But at least I know I reached my breaking point and God was there to put the pieces back together again. My husband supported and loved me through it all as well. I am truly blessed to have the family God gave me.
This time last year, we were in the middle of preparing for a move. Things did not go smoothly. We had a horrible time finding a house to rent. But God finally provided one (although it was not the house I pictured nor a price I pictured per month). Then the military lost our paperwork for scheduling our move. So this delayed our move by almost a month.
Then moving time came and the stress level went through the roof. We were not given the same weight limit. We had about 2/3 of an 18 wheeler filled when we moved from Carolina. But the truck driver here said our goods would not fit in his full 18 wheeler with no other goods. So we had to keep fighting that. We had numerous money issues associated with the move. Things just kept piling up on us. We had not been able to rent or sell our home where we were living. So that compounded our financial stress. Then my husband did one drill with his new unit, while I tried to get us settled and get a brand new family readiness group off the ground. Well, God has a sense of humor as far as timing goes. I know this because almost 17 years ago, we had our first son. Two weeks to the day of his birth Hurricane Bertha paid a visit to eastern NC. I worked as an office manager for an insurance agent. He did not find a really suitable replacement. So my boss called me to come in and help. So trust me when I say I understand the devastation that hurricanes bring.
My husband is Army Reserves full time and his area of training is water purification. So when Hurricane Sandy came calling in New York and left devastation behind, my husband's unit was activated to assist with the mission. The unit was the first Army Reserve unit activated for an in-country natural disaster. So my stress level went through the roof. I had four children, my mother, no family readiness group, no church and no real friends for support to speak of. Plus I have chronic hypertension that was diagnosed almost 20 years ago (I was 24). As a result of everything coming at once, my blood pressure went through the roof. I had chest pains and all sorts of fun things.
On top of my issues, my oldest son has had digestive issues for over 7 years. However, we never were able to get a diagnosis. This same son has a terrible time with his dad being gone. So needless to say his stomach went crazy.
All of this brought me to my breaking point. Now I have to say I have a Yankee-German temper that can get the best of me. I genuinely love my husband and love being with him. I also genuinely consider him to be my best friend, the one great love of my life and so forth. Well, for him to be unable to stay in touch really tore me up inside. I felt like God had abandoned me. I truly felt alone in the world. Everything came crashing down. I reached the end of my rope.
When things are at the darkest and I felt like there was no one to lean on or help me, God reached out through my husband and touched me. I learned to rely on Him and trust there was a purpose for all that we had went through. He lifted me and drew me in, although I needed to step out in faith towards Him. It reminds me now of when Jesus told Peter to walk toward Him on the water. But Peter failed when he lost his faith. So I had to have my faith in God restored.
About this time, my husband returned and we started to attempt to begin our new life in our new location. One of those steps of course was finding a church. I had seen a church online that I wanted to try, so we did that. We found it to be a fairly good fit for our family. Then another thing happened - my husband prior to going full-time in the Army Reserves was a reservist. Prior to us even knowing each other, he also did 4 years in the Air Force. So all this time added together to allow him to receive his 20 year letter during December. He could retire as a reservist, but we would not draw retirement until he reached the legal age for retirement. So we would have to find another source of income.
Well God stepped in and provided my husband with an individual who had a possible new career for us to explore. So we stepped out in faith and began exploring this new career path. We are not sure where God is leading us in this adventure (meaning we are not sure what doors God is going to open or close for us). But He definitely has restored my faith, my closeness to Himself and my husband and caused me to reach inside and find a depth of faith I did not know I had. That is not to say that everything is perfect now. But at least I know I reached my breaking point and God was there to put the pieces back together again. My husband supported and loved me through it all as well. I am truly blessed to have the family God gave me.
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