Monday, July 15, 2013

Our house sure is quiet!

Our house is sure quiet!  With the four children out of the house, my husband and I are able to actually have a real discussion.  There is no one saying, "Mommie" or "Daddy".  But it just isn't normal.  I miss my children and I am not afraid to admit it.  I love hearing their comments and observations.  I love interacting with them and hearing what they are thinking.  I love being able to teach them at home.  I enjoy spending time as a family.  

Yesterday at church it seemed so strange to not have the children with us at church, especially since the teens were leading the service.  The service truly was a blessing.  Everyone who had a part did really well.

In two weeks, our family will be leading the service.  I will be doing the opening, call to worship and so forth, our family will be singing together a capella, and Dennis will be giving the message.  I am really excited about this opportunity to see where God leads us.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like I'm going to be having kids in my house for quite some time since my youngest is only 17 months but my oldest leaves for college next year and I can't imagine what it would be like without her here.
