Thursday, June 27, 2013

Priority Shift

Well this is the final blog hop for the online Bible Study I have been participating in for Stressed-Less Living.  My post for today will be regarding Priority shifts.  I don't know about you, but when things are going "perfectly" in my life, it is easy to let God take a back seat.  Yet the moment even the smallest thing goes wrong, I go running back to God calling out for help.

This year I have been striving to keep God at the center of everything all the time.  So in other words, it is all God all the time.  I try to pray constantly during the day, whether it be in praise and thanksgiving or if it is a desperate plea for help.  I know nothing is impossible for God.  It is like the line in the movie "Facing the Giants" where he asks his team, "What is impossible for God?" and everyone replies nothing.  God is ready, willing and able to create miracles or to just be a reassuring presence for us.  All we have to do is cry out with our voice.

Another way I have been making God a priority is through the use of YouVersion, a Bible reading software program.  I have it set up so every day it reminds me I need to spend time with God.  I typically have two plans going at once.  One is to read the Bible through completely. In fact I finished my plan last night for that.  Then the second one is a devotional plan.  I receive the reminders first thing in the morning for these.  In fact, I have the app on my ipad so I can read these anytime anywhere.  It really helps me focus on God.

Also, we homeschool our four children and with the exception of math - every program we use is centered around the Bible.  This means that I am submersed in God's word, wonders and miracles all day long.  As we do school my children also benefit from this intense Bible immersion.   I have seen them grow in wisdom and faith as they have grown up.

Tomorrow my oldest will turn 17 and I know his faith is strong.  I know he honestly took Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.  By both of their parents spend time with God - in His presence through prayer, and in His Word - through reading the Bible, their faith has grown and matured and blossomed.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your post "priority shift" where God needs to be first and all the other things will fall into place.
    I dream and pray for a husband who put God first and a family who trusted and accepted God. I was told once when my prayers didn't seem to reach God about this that the battle wasn't mine but God's.My husband seems to be making a change then things happen and back we go, probably fear on his part as he was badly hurt in a church. Thanks for the encouragement.
