Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wow, what a week!

Wow what a week last week was!  We began the week with the after school program at our Salvation Army Corps, which included tutoring and dinner.  Then we did Music with the children that attended.  Following that, my family (well the youngest three and Dad) did Beginner Band.  On Tuesday, Dennis went and did a sleep study, so the rest of the family had a quiet evening at home.  Then on Wednesday, we had the after school program plus Youth activities - Dennis is one of the leaders for the boys. Then on Thursday we had Cantata practice and Corps Cadets (Corps Cadets is one I lead).  Friday morning we got up really early and went to the Salvation Army Trade Store, so Dennis, Joseph, Grammie and I could all be fitted for our Salvation Army uniforms.  The four of us all got the hats for the uniforms, which is really exciting.  Saturday the children had Young Marines - they marched in a Veterans' Day parade.  Sunday we got up and went to Sunday School.  

During the opening of Sunday school, I was checking on everything for Corps Cadet Sunday.  I actually set the program and everything.  I picked the songs with the cadets' help.  We chose "Here I am to Worship", "Amazing Grace" and "You Are My All in All".  The title of the message was "Lost and Found" and dealt with three parables Jesus taught - "the lost coin", "the lost sheep" and "the lost son".  The corps cadets did a skit - including Joseph and Nathan - Joseph played the father and Nathan played the youngest son.  It went over really well.  Joseph and Nathan along with another cadet read the scripture passages.  

One of my other Corps Cadets did a skit involving the children so they had the chance to participate.  Plus everyone helped with the call to worship.  Oh did I mention my baby girl did the opening with the welcome and the announcements and Daddy did the prayers for the service.  Plus I actually preached the message.  I have to say it is quite different to be behind the pulpit than it is to be in the audience.  I feel like God was truly present.  

Then we brought almost all the Corps Cadets to our home and fed them lunch.  They seemed to have a good time.  Then we went to the Extended Care facility of our local hospital to help with our League of Mercy Service there.  We were supposed to sing, but it did not happen.

From there we went back to the corps to practice singing for our Regional Youth Praise meeting which was at four o'clock that afternoon.  We loaded up three different vans - two twelve passengers (ours and the Corps along with our major's minivan).  Off to Williamsport we went.  Our Corps performed two different times - once was our timbrels and the other time was our Corps Cadets singing.  All in all it was a great day! 

This week Dennis has drills on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  We ask for prayers for good weather on Friday and for him to pass his Physical Fitness test.  

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