Today is day 27 of the NaBloPoMo November challenge and it is also Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. Much of my day will be spent in the kitchen preparing our Thanksgiving Feast.
Today I am thankful for:
1) My husband who is willing to help in the kitchen
2) All of the good food we are going to eat.
3) All of the wonderful new friends and ideas I have found on the web and on Facebook.
I also want to pause a moment to talk about where I would like to see my blog in a year. In one year, I would like to see my blog have a greater following as well as having printables and other useful tools being offered to my readers. I would also like to see it generating some income for our family.
In five years, I would like to see my blog being a way of promoting my writing and being a way of offering special items to my readers.
What would you like to see happen in your life or with your blog/website in the next year or five years. I welcome your comments.
I would like to make some printables too and work on generating more income to at least cover my blog expenses. Thanks for stopping by my blog.