Friday, November 21, 2014

A Year is almost over

A year is almost over.  Next week is Thanksgiving.  Then we are into December and all that goes with preparing for Christmas.  Then it is time to prepare for a new year.  This is a time to reflect on the year that has been.  What went well?  What do I wish I had done differently?  What changes do I want to make in the upcoming year?
As I look back on 2014, a lot has happened.  We made some choices regarding our future.  We feel comfortable with those decisions.  We moved from one house to another one that feels more like home for us.  And now one of the biggest changes is going to be happening.  My husband is about to reenlist for another 6 years.  His plan is to complete his Masters Degree in Divinity in that time.  It is going to be an interesting couple of years.  Time with the family will be a precious commodity amidst the demands of work and school for him.  Within the next year, we probably will receive orders to our next duty station.  Our oldest should begin taking college courses.  And life continues to move forward.

How has your year been and what are you looking forward to in the new year?   welcome your thoughts.


  1. Wow, that is a lot of exciting changes for you and your family in the coming years. Best of luck! Stopping by from the mommy blogger buddy group.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I appreciate it.
