Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So packing has moved into high gear.  Yesterday, we got our sunroom, which functions as our schoolroom almost completely packed.  Plus it is well on its way to be cleaned as well.  I worked primarily on our living room, and it is on its way to being cleaned and packed as well.  My younger two worked on the second living room, getting more school books and items packed as well.  My mother worked on the dining room on her side getting books and things packed.  

Last night, Dennis worked on getting things in the sunroom organized so we can stack additional boxes there.  Our plan is to basically have over half of the house packed by the end of this weekend - if not more.  That way next week, we won't have as much to do.  My goal is to deep clean as we pack so once we get our stuff out, all we will need to do is minor cleaning and such.  I am ready to move on to our next home.

On the new home front, I got a text message yesterday saying that the new shower is well on its way to being done in my mom's bathroom.  Plus they are putting in a closet and a shelf.  So I can't wait to see it.  The next time we see the house, the current tenant should be moved out and just working on getting the house clean for us.

I imagine I will be posting more as we move in, get settled and work on getting schedules, routines and other organizational things set to keep the new home functioning well.

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