Thursday, June 5, 2014


Well we are in week 2 of our Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study for Derwin L. Gray's book Limitless Life.  This book is so powerful and has so much to say.  This week I want to discuss going from orphan to adopted.  Oh I am not literally an orphan.  I have a wonderful mother who lives with me and has been one of my best friends for quite a few years.  Over 23 years ago, my parents separated and eventually divorced.  My father choose to basically drop out of my life.  He completely missed my wedding.   He has only seen my oldest son several times (probably 3 or 4 at the most).  He has seen my second son probably a total of 3 times at the most.  He has seen our youngest son only about once.  While he has never in his life set eyes on my beautiful, wonderful daughter.  

As I look back on my life, at the time I thought my parents had a good marriage, although my father tended to raise his voice and could cause fear to come into my heart.  Now I would call what he displayed as verbal abuse.  But I still had a fairly good relationship with him (or so I thought).  I was the good child - the one who did what was she was told and got good grades in school.  I went to college and was in my senior year of college when my parents separated.  I was torn between my mother and my father.  At the same time,  I met my future husband.  He is a wonderful man who has a wonderful father and grandfathers.  For the first few months, my father and I seemed to continue as we had been in the past.  He had left my mother for another woman and that really hurt.  He took a job out of state and my future husband and I saw him one time.

Over the next year or so, my father got angry at me over something and basically cut off all communication.  I invited him to our wedding, but he did not come.  He claimed he got lost, but I don't necessarily believe that.  We really did not see or talk with one another.  When we had our first son, my father and my sister came to to his dedication.  It was one of very few times he ever saw any of my children.  Then he saw my oldest two one time.  The next time he saw any of my children was at my grandmother's funeral.  He saw my middle two sons.  Since then, he really has not seen any of my children or spoken to me.  We invited him to come to see my oldest two get baptized approximately 3 years ago.  Then two years ago, my oldest two sons achieved the level of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts.  We planned a huge party and my mother called to invite him to the party.  He told her not to contact him again and he wanted nothing to do with any of us.  It broke my heart. 

But I AM NOT AN ORPHAN!  I have a heavenly Father who loves me and was willing for His Only Begotten Son to die for my sins.  I redeemed by the blood of the Lamb called Jesus Christ.  I am a beloved daughter of the most high God.  Until I get to heaven, God has provided a wonderful earthly husband for me along with a wonderful father in law along with countless other men who have served as Godly examples of what a father should be and how he should act.  Granddaddy Pierce, Pastor Koss, Elder JM Horne are among some of these men.  My own sons and one daughter have a wonderful group of men to look up to and they know they are loved.    Sorry this is so long.  But I needed to get this out.

I choose today to forgive my earthly father.  I refuse to be held captive any more.  I have no way of knowing if he is still alive or not, but I plan on writing a letter saying so and sending to the last known address.  Even if he never receives the letter on Earth, I know my Heavenly daddy will know what I have done and for me right now that is enough.


  1. Patti, this is beautiful & I love your but I AM NOT AN ORPHAN! That is awesome that you know no matter what has happened with your earthly father your Heavenly Daddy loves you more than you could ever dream of being loved! I am so thankful to hear that you are choosing to forgive your dad. That is so important & you will be blessed dear friend!

  2. This is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your story!

  3. That's wonderful, you are actually taking steps to be more like Jesus and to allow Him to grow in ways that are new and fresh. Praise God for your courage. Lot's of love and God hugs!! :)
