Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Been A While

So it has been a while since I have posted here.  Christmas and New Year's Day have come and gone.  It is now almost the end of January.  It is hard to believe this month has come and gone so quickly.

We are working towards getting back into a routine with homeschooling.  Organizing and decluttering are two words that are heard frequently about our home.  Dennis is in the process of getting his re-enlistment paperwork filled out.  Life just seems to be moving very quickly and so slowly all at the same time.  

I am working on getting a Masters degree this year.  I have also become involved in something new, Bible Journaling.  So I am accumulating all kinds of information to assist me in the effort.  As I complete some things, I will be posting them here. One thing I have been doing with this is using PicMonkey to create Scripture Art. 

Here are two of my personal creations:

So what is going on in your world?  I would love to hear from you.