Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I am excited

Well this week is Vacation Bible School and we are having a great time at Kingdom Rock!!!  Dennis really was outstanding the past two nights as "Wally - the knight in training".  I had the fun last night of watching the children play in "goo".  Then tonight I had the fun of watching Dennis perform along with our Queen Esther during the Bible story time.

We have a good time leading the opening, including the songs.  Our two oldest sons are taking pictures, while the second one is also responsible for blowing his horn (I hope to get some pictures of this horn along with Joseph posted sometime within the next week.

The younger two are having a great time being Vacation Bible School participants.

On top of all this fun, we got the all clear for Jacob from the GI doctor.  We only have to go back if he has problems.  Now we take Joseph to see the doctor on Thursday and then we should get a break for a while.

One last thing, we got a letter in the mail today and we got the all clear for our homeschool portfolios.  We have provided "appropriate education".  This makes me very happy.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Our week

So we are back together as a family now.  It has been a while since I posted because we were traveling.  We went on Saturday to pick up the children from Music and Arts camp.  We got to see all the children from all the corps perform along with Staff members.  The campers sang, danced, did skits for drama (had to love the one - as seen on TV), played timbrels, and played instruments.  

Even though it was the first time our children attended, my oldest two brought home awards.  Jacob was top of the Advanced Guitar class and his cabin took top cabin, and he also was honor camper one day.  Joseph took top of his chorus group (he and Jacob sounded amazing), as well as receiving the award for honor camper one day plus an overall Honor camper award.

After we got everyone loaded up, we took off to Greensburg.  Jacob was attending a birthday party for one of his friends there.

Sunday morning everyone woke up super early (guess camp was good for one thing - unfortunately it hasn't lasted).  We ate breakfast and went to church.  Everyone was glad to see us and we were glad to see everyone.  We had the privilege of hearing one of the young men who grew up in the church preach his last sermon for a while at the church.  Zach is on his way to Africa to be a missionary next week.  We wish him Godspeed and just have to say what a wonderful sermon/testimony he gave. 

From church we went and picked up the U-haul truck and went back to our old house.  We managed to load up all the stuff that day (minus the window air conditioner units which was one of the main things we were concerned about. It looks like before December we will no longer be homeowners.  Monday we got up, ate breakfast, went back to the house and loaded the air conditioners.  Then we drove home (well Dennis and I did - he was in the U-haul and I was in our van).  

Dennis and the boys were able to get the entire truck unloaded and the air conditioners installed that afternoon.  We went to a meeting that night to finalize arrangements for our Kids Fest and our Vacation Bible School.  The older two boys have been at the church every day this week since Tuesday helping prepare for VBS.  We all had a blast helping (or for the younger two participating in) the Kids Fest.  Now we are gearing up for Sunday - Dennis is preaching, I am leading the rest of the service, our family is singing, and Joseph will be enrolled as a Senior Soldier.  So we will have a full day.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday

So today I was going through some of the posts for some of the different blogs I follow, and I looked at one discussing the books the person was reading.  So I decided I should list some of the books I am reading/wanting to read here.

I am reading "Educating the Wholehearted Child" by Sally Clarkson and am getting ready to begin an online study of her book "Desperate".  I am reading "The Well-Trained Heart" by Ray and Donna Reish.  I am also getting ready to begin an Online Bible Study for "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa TerKeurst through Melissa Taylor's Online Bible Studies.  I also am trying to read "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God".

On another line of thinking, early in our homeschooling adventure I found out about Sue Patrick's Workboxes.  This seemed like a great fit for our family and our life style.  So I attempted to implement the system.  Then life happened and we strayed from it.  So I am going to be working towards getting us back in the habit.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Halfway Through Camp

So we are now over halfway through the children being at camp.  Saturday morning we will be getting up and going to the camp.  We will be watching them perform.  I am looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, I am here working on lesson plans.  So far I have completed our plans for our Advanced Training Institute.  I am now working on everyone's math assignments.  I am planning the whole year, so I have four different plans to do.  I have also put a significant dent in the plans for science for everyone.  

Monday, July 15, 2013

Our house sure is quiet!

Our house is sure quiet!  With the four children out of the house, my husband and I are able to actually have a real discussion.  There is no one saying, "Mommie" or "Daddy".  But it just isn't normal.  I miss my children and I am not afraid to admit it.  I love hearing their comments and observations.  I love interacting with them and hearing what they are thinking.  I love being able to teach them at home.  I enjoy spending time as a family.  

Yesterday at church it seemed so strange to not have the children with us at church, especially since the teens were leading the service.  The service truly was a blessing.  Everyone who had a part did really well.

In two weeks, our family will be leading the service.  I will be doing the opening, call to worship and so forth, our family will be singing together a capella, and Dennis will be giving the message.  I am really excited about this opportunity to see where God leads us.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I am so excited!!!!!!

I am so excited!!!!!  We have hot water again and the truck's tire is fixed.  The children are basically packed to leave for camp in the morning.

I have to say life can be ironic at times.  So all four children are going to camp tomorrow.  Then Saturday our Army Reserve unit is having our family day.  I find it funny that my husband is the commander of the unit and I am the Family Readiness Group leader, but we will have no children at our family day.  Even if they were not going to be at camp this weekend, they would still miss the family day because they would be with the Young Marines.  

So life is definitely interesting around here! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What a week!

Well we are having quite the week!  First, our hot water heater went out on Sunday, and it is still out.  It may be Friday before it is fixed.  Then today,  we helped out the Salvation Army More Than Bread (soup kitchen). 

After Dennis dropped us off at the house, he went back to work.  Well he ended up having a flat tire.  So he called AAA, and made sure to tell them the person coming out would need to bring the tool to let the spare tire down (for some unknown reason, ours did not come with one).    Unfortunately the repair person did not get those instructions.    So he came without that tool.  

This meant our truck was going to have to be towed to a repair shop for them to change the tire.  Well in the meantime, a friend of the repairmen called to say he could bring them the part.  So he arrived, and they began taking the tire off.  Unfortunately the repairman's wrench broke which stopped the job.  So back to the necessity of taking the truck to a repair shop.  So they got there, but the repairman (someone we are becoming really, really, really familiar with - seeing how he just replaced the radiator and transmission in our 12 passenger van and is going to be repairing the brakes on our minivan) did not have the time to fix the tire.  

This is when a silver lining comes into play - our minivan was still there since he had just looked at it to find out what was wrong with the brakes.  So Dennis was able to drive that home.  The truck should be ready tomorrow.  

I have to say life is never dull in a house with 7 people, a military member, four children and three vehicles.  It is quite adventurous.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

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our week

We have quite the busy week this week.  It began with our hot water heater going out on Sunday, plus us getting some corn to put up. The hot water heater is still not back on yet.  On top of this we are trying to get all four children ready to leave for Music and Arts camp on Friday.  This involves laundry being done.  However, we can't do laundry since we don't have hot water on our side of the house.

On Wednesday we are going to help out at the Soup kitchen.  Afterwards we may have more corn to put up.  Thursday night we have a meeting for our upcoming Kidsfest and Vacation Bible school.  Then at an undetermined time on Friday, the children leave for Music and Arts camp.  They will be gone until the following Saturday.  Then this Saturday Dennis' unit has drills and it is our family day.  So we are going to have quite the week.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Blessings in Disguise

Sometimes blessings come in disguise and from the most unlikely places.  This time last year we were in the process of moving courtesy of the Army Reserves.  However, we were moving to an area with few homes to rent (especially that would fit a family of 7).  

We were blessed to find a home that another homeschooling family was ready to rent out.  It was not the home I pictured us living in.  Instead of being a traditional single family home, it was set up as a double (as Pennsylvanians like to call them).  So this means we have two kitchens, two laundry areas, and most importantly - two heaters and two hot water heaters.  

This is especially important on days like yesterday.  It was an average Sunday.  We went to church, came home, and fixed lunch.  Afterwards, we discovered we had no hot water.  This is the second time in a few months this has happened.  But we are blessed to have a second hot water heater for the other half of the house.  This means life can continue to function fairly normal until it is fixed.  

It appears a part needs to be replaced, so hopefully, it will fixed tomorrow.  We have had a lot of adventures with water/pipes over the past almost 21 years.  But this is the first time, we have not had life completely interrupted by the occurrence.  So for us the blessing has come in the form of renting a double rather than a single family home.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Have you ever had one of those "aha"  moments, especially if you are the parent of a teenager.  Today, I had the privilege of watching all four of my children participate in a color guard along with their father in celebration of Independence Day.  It was a marvelous thing to get to see even our 10 year old daughter work together.  They all did a wonderful job. 

The "aha" moment came from realizing they are all growing up - and growing up so fast.  It is hard to believe our oldest should be moving on to college this time next year.  Our youngest will be 11 in a few months.  She is growing up way too fast.  

This week all four children will be heading off for Music and Arts camp.  It is Boo's first time going to camp.  I am excited for her.  I know she will do great and have loads of fun.  At the same time, it means "aha, my baby is growing up!".  The one good thing is she will be having this experience with her three brothers.  So at least I know they will be around if she gets lonely or needs a hug from someone in her own family.

There is the "Aha" moment that all too soon our home will empty of these children.  I pray we have raised them to where they can and will soar on the wings of God.  I pray they rely on God and Jesus Christ for strength and guidance.

It is one of the hardest but most wonderful things to know our children are growing up and growing in their faith.  I love watching them focus on God.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Today, I have done some schooling with our children, worked on laundry, done some cleaning and organizing.  Now I am taking a few minutes to write a post here.  Musical instruments are being played over all my house.  We have a keyboard, guitars, violins, a cello, a baritone horn, three coronets and an alto horn all residing in our home.  Various people play various instruments at various times.  It makes for life to be very interesting.

I am working on lesson planning for the year, but I still have a long way to go.  Plus I am trying to make the children and myself stay more organized for the new year.  Yesterday marks the first official day we can count for our new school year.  So I now have two middle school students and two high school students.  Our oldest should be entering 12th grade this year, but he will probably be at home with us for another year or two beyond that.  

In things that just strike an ironic tone, I found out that our home church in NC, our old church in Greensburg, PA and our current church are all doing the exact same Vacation Bible School program this month.  I found this slightly ironic.