Friday, October 3, 2014

Determining my Best Yes!

Right now I am involved in several things simultaneously for different things.  One thing I am involved is the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  My goal is to do one new post for 31 days.  This is day 3 of the challenge.  I am also involved in Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study for The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa Terkeurst.  This book is all about determining what our "Best Yes" is.  We are just completing week 2 of the study and have finished the first 6 chapters of the book.  And I have to say I love this book.  Lysa has the ability to make me laugh, cry and even relate to everything she is saying.  I stop and think.  She causes me to want to dive deeper into the study and into God's Word to determine what I really should be doing and how I should be living.
A third thing I am doing is a prayer challenge for my husband along with Darlene Schacht.  I have only just begun this challenge, but I love the idea of praying for my husband.  This challenge is in celebration of the release of her new book, Messy Beautiful Life:  Hope and Redemption for Real-Life Marriages.  When I signed up for the challenge, Darlene sent some wonderful freebies to help with the challenge including a study guide and a beautiful set of prayer cards.  I am still in the midst of getting them printed out and set up the way I want them.

If all that were not enough, we of course still have homeschooling.  I still have to feed the family.  I still have to clean the house and do laundry.  So there is a lot on my plate.  A little more than a year ago, I started a website about our family, but have not devoted the time and resources to it that I wanted to so that is one of my goals to complete.  

Also, I walked into saying my best yes and that resulted in me starting a new group on Facebook.  So I have been working on that including starting to create original content yesterday.  I need to create guidelines and welcome documents along with a Member list for the group as well.  But I am so excited for the challenge.  Not to mention, the ladies that have joined the group seem to be really exciting.  So that is what a typical day in my life entails.


  1. I really like Lysa Terkeurst's Bible studies. She's so relatable! It sounds like you have a full and rewarding life. I will pray that God gives you strength to accomplish all that you are doing. God Bless! Kathie

  2. Her books are amazing. I have done several through Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies and I love how she is so real!!!! Thanks for the comment and I appreciate your prayers!

  3. Sounds like you are keeping busy with the Lord!! I miss praying with you and your husband because you two are definitely a couple of true faith. Don't get TOO much on your plate!! Keep up the good work! God bless you all and we miss you!

  4. Shawna we miss you all too! Let us get through this weekend (Dennis has drills and PT more specifically). Then we can see about when we can get together. We miss your family also!
