Thursday, February 6, 2014

#peace Blog Hop Post for Week 3 of Made to Crave

Peace....oh how I love that word and long for it.  We are in week 3 of Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies for the book "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.   One of the definitions of the word peace according to the Merriam Webster dictionary is, "a state of tranquility or quiet" and I like that definition.  Tranquility brings to mind quiet times with no fuss, muss or bother.  It brings to mind a sense of satisfaction and that all is right in the world (or at least my part of it).  God will give us that sense of contentment and tranquility, if we will just ask Him for it.  Of course, we also have to accept His gift.

Now peace is not necessarily is not always something I associate with my weight or how I look.  Growing up, I never had a problem with my weight.  I even made it through college without any real problems.  Then I got married...dom dom dommmm (cue the loud creepy music)...and within 3 years had a weight problem.  I also wound up with a diagnosis of Chronic High Blood pressure...but with my family history of it, that was probably eventually going to happen anyhow.  

Well I married into a wonderful family, so the ladies of the family went to Weight Watchers together.  We ate together, weighed together, and supported one another.  I also had the support of my husband.  Lo and behold within a year, I was within 10 pounds of my goal weight.  I had peace...especially when I was told I could come off my blood pressure medicine and a month later (on October 31 no less) found out we were expecting our first child.  I was blessed with a fairly easy pregnancy...although within a few months, I had to go back on the blood pressure medicine.  After I delivered my son, I lost all but 10 pounds of what I gained.  For the next several years, I repeated the yo-yo effect of losing weight, getting pregnant and then trying to lose that weight.  Now 11 years after having our last daughter, I am nowhere near where I want to be weight wise, but I am working towards it with the support of my family, especially my husband.  I am also tremendously blessed with peace.  I don't feel judged or condemned by those closest to me....and especially my Heavenly Father.  

I won't say it is always easy and I won't say it is perfect all the time.  I want to lose the weight - not to try to measure up to what someone else here on Earth wants me to be, but because I know that God has made me for so much more.  I love my Proverbs Online Bible Study Sisters (and especially my Facebook Small Group).  We can support each other virtually across the miles.  I know I am one of over 43,000 women across the world who struggles with something, but recognizes that God truly has made me for so much more!


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey!! Love that you have found #peace through Him!

    Kris Danko (Group 30)

  2. What a great post. I as have done WW too, This time around trying a modified Daniel Plan. We are certainly made for so much more. Thanks for sharing the peace!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us!
    God Bless, Nancy Silvers (SM Group Leader/Prayer Warrior Team)

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. God Bless you!
    Nancy S (FB Small Group Leader/Prayer Warrior Team

  5. I can relate to so much in your journey! Thank you for sharing :)
    God Bless, Nancy S (FB Small Group Leader/Prayer Warrior Team)
