Thursday, February 28, 2013



We are in Week 4 of the Bible study Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman.  This week I want to talk about serenity as part of our blog hop.  With my husband serving active duty in the Army Reserves, boy is there a lot I can't control.  We get told where he has to serve at and when we have to move.  He gets told when he has to go to Annual training and often when he has to have drills.  About this time last year, we were informed we were having to move from one part of Pennsylvania to another by the end of the summer.  He was going from being a Training Non-commissioned officer to a Rear detachment commander.

We timed everything out perfectly "in our minds at least".  We move the end of July.  Then my husband would take the next three weeks off until his report date which was almost the end of August.  We would be able to unpack the house, spend time together and maybe even go camping.  What we did not count on nor could control was the fact the Army lost our paperwork.  So instead of moving the end of July - it was the middle of August when we reported.  Instead of having leave to spare, we had to use every single day of leave we had.  But God's hand was working in it all.  We still had wonderful times with our family.  We were able to take my mother (who was living with us) and the children to our new home where they camped out. Then my husband and I went back to deal with the move.

Also we thought we had the perfect people to rent our home, but one thing after another caused that to fall through.  Then my husband's unit was deployed to help with Hurricane Sandy only a month after he had his first drills with the new unit.  We had no church yet, so it was just the children, my mom and me.  He got word one day and left the next day.  I was going through basically alone.  There was no family support system or anything else.  It was one of the loneliest times in my life.  Communications was spotty at best.  I was fortunate if we even got to talk.  There was no real power where he was or anything.  No one was really able to tell me anything.  Plus everyone assumed we were communicating with each other.  But he did not have a smart phone yet, so he really could not text me or anything else.  The only one I could rely on for serenity was God.  I was tested by health issues for myself and our oldest son.

Out of all this darkness, my husband came home before Thanksgiving.  We rented our home to the perfect people.  God put a great church in our path.  Then just because He is God, He put some other opportunities in front of our family.  Through it all, I learned that God is the only one we can rely on during times in our lives.  He can grant us serenity and peace even when it feels like the world is crashing down around ourselves.  But first we truly have to Let. It. Go. and turn to Him.  We have to be willing to take what He provides and realize even in times of difficulties and trials, He is with us.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Put Your Hands Up:

I am in Week 3 of a great online Bible Study on Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman. I have been learning so much about myself, what I like about me, what I would like to change about myself and learning about my relationship with God.  Some days I truly feel like just putting my hands up and saying I give up, give in or just scream in defeat.  But I know those are the times I need to Let It Go and give it to God.  I need to get down on my knees in prayer and spend some serious time in God's word.  

I need to realize although I am no domestic diva, I can do better than what I have been doing.  We have 7 people living under one roof - two parents, my mother and four children.  We have a crazy schedule - we homeschool, are out of the house four of five week days with various activities, plus another activity every other Saturday along with my husband's drill schedule once a month (he is active duty in the Army Reserves) along with at least being gone two weeks a year.  Plus he is now a rear detachment commander (even though he is enlisted and holds the rank of Sergeant First Class) he is in charge of the unit so this adds numerous conference calls, trips and other responsibilities to his plate.  It also means there are times where we can't stay in contact.

So I have to Let. It. Go but still do my best.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we try to go to my husband's office to do school - since he is commander we can do this.  It allows him to participate more.  It also lets him back me up immediately when there are behavior issues or other things that arise.

I believe children as they grow up - ours are 16, 14, 12 and 10 respectively need responsibility and the chance to sink or swim.  As much as I would love to protect them from everything the world has to offer, I can't.  What I can do is give them a firm biblical footing to stand on and demonstrate my faith.  We have to be doing something fairly right because the oldest two have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and they did on their own merits.  They both were able to organize and carry out their individual projects. I have been blessed to see both boys accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and be baptized by their father (an ordained minister for over 19 years) while my in-laws (my father in law is also ordained) were able to attend and see first hand.  

Then about two weeks ago, my husband and I were able to hear our 10 year old daughter profess she wanted Jesus Christ to be her personal Lord and Savior.  It is moments like these that make me realize what a blessing children are.  I want to do my best for them.  This means I need to let them sink or swim.  Or as Karen Ehman puts it in her book, let them experience life's disappointments.  Yes I could make things easy for them, but that is not life.  What I can do is teach them that God is always with them, even during the darkest points.  

Belonging to something and someone can bring a lot of fulfillment, but belonging to God brings the ultimate perfect peace and joy.  People can let us down.  Circumstances can let us down.  But God's love will never waver, falter or let us down.  If we Let. It. Go. and then give it all to Him, he will give us much more than we could ever have asked for.  For God's word says:

Matthew 11:28

King James Version (KJV)
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

This is a true statement if we will just come to our Heavenly Father.   It means we have to let go and "give the reins to Him" so to speak.  This is the one thing that I really want to come away from this study.  I don't have to be perfect.  My house and children don't have to be perfect.  All I have to do is be what God intended me to be and to do my best.  As we tell our children:  It is okay to not be perfect as long as you try and give that try your best.

Well until next time, I pray God will be with you.
So we are now in our third week of the Let It Go Online Bible Study.  Last week, I had a busy day on Thursday.  My husband scheduled a physical for Valentine's Day.  Because it was through the military - instead of using his regular doctor here in town (who is amazing by the way - all 6 of us can be seen by the same doctor in the same clinic with the same nurse working almost all the time and they have almost every specialty imaginable under one roof), he had to drive about 40 minutes to another town to a government contracted place.  Well given that our town (which mind you I do love) - only has one really nice place to eat, we decided I would go with him to the appointment and we would even spend the night there.  We are blessed to have my mom living with us - she watched the kids for us (or it may have been the other way around).  So I missed getting to post last week.  Then on Friday we spent the whole day together just the two of us walking around stores and doing some necessary shopping.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

This week we started a new routine.  On Mondays my husband and I for the last two weeks have gone to the YMCA while the four children attended dance and tumbling classes. But starting this past Monday, our oldest two sons dropped some classes so they were able to go with us.  But we are now adding Wednesdays and Fridays to the mix (but those two days all four children will go with us.  Our Y offers a children fitness room that is staffed.  The youngest two had the opportunity to ride a stationary bike, use a tread mill or play various other games with the workers.   It was great.  Then the oldest two, their dad and I went in and worked out.  It was fantastic.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I started my first online Bible Study this week on the book Let It Go by Karen Ehman.  I am attempting to participate in my first blog hop.  While I like to think I am fairly competent with electronics and computers, this may be an interesting experience for me.

One of the first verses we are considering is:

Colossians 3:23 :(KJV)  And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men

     In my life, I want to try to give things my all - whatever that thing is.  But sometimes a lack of interest on my part regarding that thing causes problems.  I need to Let. It. Go. and embrace what God would have me to do.  

     There is a lot going on in our lives right now.  Many things have changed during the past year.  We moved thanks to orders by the Army Reserves.  We had to find a new church, make new friends and adapt to my husband's return to be a rear detachment commander.  With him being in the Army Reserves, many things ARE NOT in my control.  If the army decides he has to go somewhere at a certain time, there is nothing I can do about it.

     For the last few weeks, I have been attempting to spend way more time in prayer and in the Scriptures trying to hear what God wants for us rather than trying to make decisions on my own.  This verse really speaks to me.  I need to give God 110% and not worry about what man may think.

     My husband has been an ordained minister for around 20 years (he started preaching shortly after we were engaged).  So even though we no longer are around our home church, we have to make our new church become home.  Our home church is in eastern NC and is made up of people who are all part of my husband's extended family.  Because we live so far from them, we don't get back as often as we would like.  So where we are has to become our home.  This means we jump in with both feet.  We typically take roles as leaders - including Sunday School teachers or other places the church needs us to be.  My oldest two (ages 16 and 14 - both boys) enjoy working with the younger children and actively help with Children's ministries and other opportunities within the church.  Yet we need to ensure our focus is on God and what he would have us to do.